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Author: Linda Cordair

“Life Without Art is like Dinner Without Wine. Why Bother?”

Thomas Arvid, represented by Quent Cordair Fine Art in Napa, has been credited with launching an art trend that revolves almost completely around the product that is the heart and soul of the wine country. Delighting wine and art connoisseurs alike, Arvid’s mouthwatering, oversized still lifes feature wine and the rituals surrounding wine, the intricate details of which, as brought to life with a mastery of light, depth, and reflection, have garnered worldwide attention and acclaim.

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From Clay to Bronze – Timeless Beauty

“It’s this quality of my work that connects my heart and soul to others who are looking at it, or preferably, feeling it. By sharing story and emotion through the human form, I feel connected in a deeper way, both with the people who view it and, perhaps most importantly, to the sculpture I am working on. I feel that my artwork is complete once I sense that it has entered someone’s life in a meaningful way.” – Martin Eichinger

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