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Ways to Cope with Stress as a Physician

Ways to Cope with Stress as a Physician

Working in the medical field is a very fulfilling job. You have the chance to help people every day, whether it be a concerned mother whose toddler won’t stop crying or someone who was injured on the job. Not many jobs can say that about what they do and all in all it’s a noble profession to be a part of.

If only, however, being a physician was always perfect. The fact is, being a physician is a job that comes with a lot of stress. The hours are long, the pressure can be immense and new factors can play a rise into stress.

How does one deal with stress? Many people have different ways, but below are some tips and guides to get you started to find out your happy medium.

Remove Future Stress

If only it was as easy to wave a wand around and remove all areas that cause you stress or will cause you stress. The patient that insists they know more than you because of WebMD, the nurse who is always late or the medical student who never stops asking you questions. Unfortunately, you can’t control any of that, but you can control what happens with you.

But what happens if you get injured on the job or a disability sets you back? There’s no point in adding more stress by being out of work and not having a backup plan. You should be taking care of yourself, just in case the unforeseen happens. No one ever expects to be in an accident, but it pays to be prepared if it ever does happen.

Find Support

We all know someone who may seem constantly calm but below the surface, there is a storm rising and swelling in them until one day it bursts forth and everyone is shocked at what just happened. This person usually lacks an outlet of some kind to manage their stress or anger and it ends up coming out at a random time.

While there is nothing wrong with having a calm head about you, it does help to air your grievances from time to time. Your family or friends may do their best to listen to what’s been bothering you at work, but they may not quite understand. It’s the same with a good story, sometimes you just had to be there.

Seek out others in your workplace and develop relationships with them. They don’t have to be your best friends for life, but just someone whom you can relate to and open up with.

You both can talk about what’s been bothering you at work. It can be in the hospital cafeteria, grabbing a drink across the street or going for a walk at the park. You don’t always have to find a solution, it can just be nice to say something out loud to someone that understands. It always helps to have a friend in need.

Maximize Your Off-days

Some people are lucky enough to have a job that when the clock strikes 5 P.M., they’re grabbing their coat and bag and are out the door, ready for whatever the afternoon has in store for them. They can disconnect immediately and not worry about work until the next day.

For others, especially with high-stress jobs, it can be difficult to fully disconnect. Work thoughts creep up at the dinner table or while you’re binge-watching something on Netflix.

When you’re on your way home, try and find a physical marker to cut off your work thoughts. Maybe it’s crossing the bridge or the entrance sign to your neighborhood. Once you’re free, maximize your downtime.

Spend time with your family, keep practicing the guitar or when the time permits, treat yourself to a nice vacation.

A stress-free and relaxed you is a better you for your patients and coworkers alike.

Break a Sweat

Physical activity is a great stress reliever. It comes with the extra benefit of getting in shape and being able to move around at work easier.

Find some kind of physical activity that can keep you moving and a way to relieve your stress. It could be walking your dog, lifting weights or making the weekly pickup basketball game two times a week. Whatever your outlet is, it’s great to stay in a routine.

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