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Still Working From Home? Here’s How to Take Advantage of It

Still Working From Home? Here’s How to Take Advantage of It

Recently, there has been a lot of push to start working from home. Some people do love to work from home, while others miss office life. However, it’s worth pointing out that, at least for some people and companies, it looks like working from home is here to stay. This is a major lifestyle shift for many people, but if you take advantage, it can be a positive lifestyle shift. You just have to make sure to approach the shift in as positive a way as possible, finding ways to take advantage of the situation.

Dedicate Your Would-Be Commute to a Hobby

One of the great things about working from home is that you don’t have to worry about commuting to and from work. Depending on how far from work you live, this can save you upwards of an hour a day in terms of time. Besides that, not having a commute keeps you safer, as millions of people are injured each year while driving on the highway. So, instead of spending that time dealing with a commute, you can dedicate that time to a hobby. This will help keep you relaxed and give you joy when there was none before.

Get More Sleep Than You Did Before

Sleep is vital to your health. Unfortunately, for many people, they have so much to do in the mornings before they go to work that they don’t have enough time to get the sleep they need. However, when you work from home you don’t need to worry about a commute or putting as much time in your morning routine that you otherwise would. So, this time can be replaced with more sleep, making you happier and healthier in the long run.

Bask in Lowered Stress Levels

Working from home produces less stress, as 82% of telecommuters have reported, for a number of reasons. For one, working from home allows you to be more comfortable, in your space, with your pets, wearing what you want, eating your food, and not having to deal with the daily stressors of office life. You also don’t have to worry about commuting or anything like that, which may add to your daily stress. This lack of stress will make you happier and healthier in the long run.

woman working from home with dog

Travel While You Work

When you work from home, you only need the internet to work from anywhere you happen to be. Unlike when you work in an office, you’re not tied down to one set location. So, as long as you’re able to get your work done, you can travel while you work. This lets you see more of the country and world, opening you to experiences you wouldn’t otherwise have had.

Exercise During Your Lunch Hour

One of the best things you can do for your health is to take time off during your lunch hour to work out. This will help to keep you healthy and active while working at home. Because you’re at home, you don’t need to worry about any repercussions from sweating too much or needing to change. These are things you can do without much thought. Workouts are incredibly important to your long-term health, as cycling can reduce the risk of early death by 30% while reducing the risk of cardiorespiratory disease by 40%. These are workouts that you wouldn’t be able to get if you went into work, so make sure to taker advantage of them.

Working from home instead of the office is a major lifestyle change. However, if you make sure to take advantage of the benefits of working from home you will find it a great, rewarding experience for years to come.

woman doing yoga at home

Feature Photo by Mathilde Langevin

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About The Author

Jackie Hendricks

Jackie is a blogger and lifetsyle writer based in upstate New York. The only thing she loves as much as writing is traveling.

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