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6 Considerations When Booking A Vacation Rental

6 Considerations When Booking A Vacation Rental

As with any other thing in life, going off to a holiday entails proper planning for it to be successful. It’s not something that can just be a spur-of-the-moment decision, even if you’re going on a YOLO (you only live once) trip or a backpacking one, for instance. There’s always one aspect that you’ve got to settle first before hopping on that airplane to kickstart your holiday. This is your vacation rental.

Among the other aspects of your vacation that you can just leave for the last minute, you can’t do the same with where you’re going to stay. After all, if you don’t plan this ahead of time, you may end up without a place to stay–literally. This will only set your holiday off to a disastrous start.

So, once you’re decided on where you’re headed off to, take the time to search for your vacation rental options. Once you immerse yourself in that process, you’ll find that there are actually so many you can choose from. If you aren’t careful enough, you might even end up overwhelmed with all of the possibilities.

The good news is that this article is here to help you out. While your chosen vacation rental property depends largely on preference, there are certain factors that are universal among many travelers. That way, whether you’re spending a week in a luxurious cabin, or in a more modest apartment, you know that you’re still going to have a great time.

Here are six of these considerations:

  1. A Reputable Rental Source Or Company

Fortunately, you live in a time now when you have an abundance of resources all over the Internet. Your options aren’t just confined to booking with a travel agency, as it has been in the past. But, this abundance of resources also comes with a caveat: not every single one of these travel companies is reliable or reputable.

The very last thing you want is to arrive at your destination expecting to have an accommodation that you’ve already prepaid for, and then, later on, realize you’ve been scammed. An example is when you find that the place doesn’t exist. And worse is when the listing could no longer be found for you to verify it. While that may sound like an impossible story, it actually does happen. And it can happen to you if you aren’t careful.

To avoid situations like that, it’s especially important that you’ll book through reputable sources. You can try Teton Valley Property Management. Don’t take any chances. Surely by now, you’ve heard of trusted companies offering vacation rentals. If you don’t, then you can always take that extra step of prudence by getting to know more about the rental companies. Look for information on the Internet about how long they’ve been in business, and go through some of the feedback and reviews section. If you have friends and family members who are avid travelers, you can ask them for insights.

While booking with trusted names can sometimes cost a tad bit more, this is always worth the peace of mind knowing that your booking is confirmed and that the accommodation is legit.

Vacation couple entering a rental home

  1. Know What You Can Afford

Now the second most important consideration is the cost. Because there are so many rental options out there, you can be sure to find one that fits your budget. You don’t have to feel so compelled to go for nicer and more luxurious properties if these are just out of your reach at the moment.

The cost of your vacation rental choice should seamlessly fit the budget you’ve set for your holiday. Otherwise, the costs could skyrocket.

There are many ways that you can be mindful of the budget of your chosen vacation rental:

  • Choose Only According To The Size That You Need For instance, if there are only two adults and two children on your trip, then you don’t need to book that villa with four rooms. Otherwise, you could be paying for two extra rooms that you don’t get to use anyway.
  • Share The Expense With The Group If you’re traveling with friends and you opted for one big house to stay in, then everyone has to pay their fair share for each night.
  • Book In Advance There are many properties that offer discounts if you book a couple of months earlier. So, once you’re set on where you’re going and the plane tickets are booked, then don’t delay arranging for your accommodation.
  1. Check The Location

While you may know where you’re going, you’ll still have to narrow the location even more. This will depend on where you’ll want to be situated throughout the entire time.

For example, are you looking for a city apartment? Or one by the mountains? Or are you after one that’s by the beachfront? This choice will be a matter of preference as well. But you also need to factor in the type of travelers you and your companions are.

If you have younger kids with you, then perhaps it’s safer to stay out of high-rise apartments. An apartment or a villa with a garden and a pool would be better. Then, consider also the overall safety reputation of where you’re going. Especially because you’re a tourist, you can be prone to pickpockets who are just waiting for their next prey. You can always read through the reputation and reviews of an area by checking online.

Apart from those, the location should be balanced with accessibility. If you’re taking your own car with you or renting one, then that shouldn’t be much of a problem. But, if you’re going for the option of public transportation, you have to think about where the nearest station is going to be, or perhaps the bus stop. The last thing you’ll want is to have to walk half an hour each way with young children in tow.

  1. Ask About The Amenities

The amenities of a vacation property that you’re going to opt for will largely depend on the lifestyle you’re used to. 

For instance, if you’re used to amenities like valet and housekeeping service on call 24/7, then make sure this is available. If you don’t mind cooking while you’re on a holiday or if you eating out regularly, then you don’t have to book one that offers meal options. This usually comes with an extra cost.

You don’t necessarily have to book the vacation property that has the greatest number of available amenities. You only have to book one with the amenities that you absolutely need. If you have kids with you, then that pool and playground will come in handy. If you’d rather not have a pool as you know you’ll be out touring and shopping the entire time, then scrap that off.

The key is to ensure that the amenities included in your chosen property will absolutely work for the benefit of everyone in your family.

  1. Ease Of Cancellation

One of the bummers of many rental properties is that the cancellation options aren’t always that flexible. On the part of the owners of these properties, of course that’s quite understandable. They also need that shield of protection from travelers who might just book and cancel at the very last minute–with no valid reason at all.

But, especially as of this writing, the availability of a cancellation option will always come in handy now that times are strange. Just in case an emergency pops up at the very last minute, you’ll want to know that you can have your refund back. This is, of course, given enough reason that your purpose for canceling is also valid.

  1. Availability Of An Amicable Host

This section applies if you’re booking a vacation rental other than a hotel. This means you’re booking a property listed on booking sites that are owned by a private individual. These are usually cottages, villas, cabins, apartments, or even houses.

When you’re booking these types of vacation rentals, it’s an added bonus when you know that there’s a host or a housekeeper you can call anytime you need assistance. You’ll never know when there’s a problem that arises in the home you’re in. And you wouldn’t want to feel at a loss as to how to solve it. Don’t know how to use this certain appliance? It’s better to ask than break it and then have to pay for it later on.

While this may seem like an extra thing to ask, the truth is there are so many vacation accommodations that have positive reviews about warm and friendly hosts. They’re so hospitable that you’ll feel like one with the locals. Some guests will feel that they’re truly welcomed into a warm, loving, and friendly home.

Wherever it is you’re headed off to, now you can finally kickstart your search for the perfect vacation rental for your holiday. Remember that it’s not always about the price. It has to do more about the certain things you’re after in a property. Whether you’re off to the beach, or up to the mountains, there’s a vacation rental property for every kind of traveler. You’ve just got to learn how to find them.

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