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Beauty and Brains: Signs That You’ve Evolved Into a Sophisticated Lady

Sophisticated Lady

Sophistication is a variation between elegance and class. This level of worldliness comes to some women faster than others, and there are some women who never reach an advanced level of sophistication, and that’s okay. Sophistication is really something you can develop somewhat, but it’s usually something that’s very intrinsic – either you have it or you don’t.

This particular quality in a woman can be quite rare, but it’s definitely not unheard of. You tend to notice a higher degree of sophistication in a woman who is well traveled. It’s not only emphasized by the places she’s been, but also in the way she carries herself. She has seen many parts of the world, and appreciates the different cultures she’s experienced. Those experiences are reflected in the way she speaks, the way she views the world, and the way she responds to certain situations.

You may not realize it, but through your own experiences and insights, you may have evolved into a sophisticated lady yourself. If you can, think back to your younger days. How did you think, dress, and act in comparison to how you think, dress, and act now? Is there a huge difference, or just a subtle difference? Regardless of how much things have or haven’t changed in your life, the main thing is that you’re able to tell a difference. Here are some telltale signs that showcase just how you’ve set aside your immature ways, and traded them in for sophistication.

What You Wear

The clothes you wear can speak volumes on your personality, and how you carry yourself. When you were younger, in your 20s, lots of women had a different sense of style compared to when they hit their 30s, and there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, you hope for that type of growth and maturity, because there’s nothing worse than seeing a woman dress in clothes that are too young looking for her age.

Your 20s was when you probably wore the short shorts, and shirts that would accentuate your breasts, and not in the flattering way…more so in the, “Hey! Look at me!” kind of way. It was during that time where we felt that, in order to spark the interest of a man, we had to dress a certain way to get their attention. Well, we quickly found out that the types of guys we attracted are the guys that we intentionally dressed for…the type that we probably didn’t want around for very long.

With your evolution into a higher level of sophistication, you soon realize that you can attract men without wildly putting yourself on display. You can still look sexy for a night out, rocking a sexy cocktail dress that highlights some of your physical attributes, but remain looking classy and sophisticated while doing it.

What You Eat

As a sophisticated lady, you are very conscious of what you put in your body. You’re not someone who really indulges in junk food too often, but you do enjoy your favorite comfort foods. Some might even say they have the mindset of eating to live, not living to eat, which is a healthier way to look at food, and prevent you from overeating. You may have traded in the big bags of chips and cookies for fresh fruit and veggies. Also, if you didn’t know, the foods you eat help you to look younger…that’s part of the secret to growing in sophistication!

At this point, you’re probably thinking that the sophisticated lady sounds somewhat stuffy, and possibly boring. Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Just because you’re sophisticated, that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to have a good time, or only eat vegetables. Being sophisticated is a mindset, and a lifestyle that’s not for everyone, so if you can’t get with the sophisticated life, then you need not apply.

What You Sleep In

When it comes to being a lady of sophistication, what you sleep in can go both ways. It can be in reference to the type of sleepwear you put on, and it can also be about the bedding you sleep in.

To achieve a higher level of sophistication, basic just won’t do for you anymore. You now require the best in quality of bedding and sleepwear. With bedding, only the finest in fabrics will be able to touch your skin. The same applies with your sleepwear, and with those two qualities put together, your level of rest will jump leaps and bounds from the quality you got before the sophistication set in.

It’s not necessarily that you’re above, or too good, for certain products, but you’ve experienced bad quality, and good quality, and once you’ve experienced something of good quality, you know what you like and stick with it. You most definitely won’t be going back to products of lower quality after experiencing high quality. It’s almost like men: you’ve probably dated men who didn’t deserve you, but once you start dating men of quality, even if it doesn’t work out, it’s very hard to go back to dating men who add no value to your life.