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Energy Inhalers And The Incredible Benefits Of Aromatherapy

Energy Inhalers And The Incredible Benefits Of Aromatherapy

Essential oils are a really incredible phenomenon. They are the purest form of distilled herbal and plant compounds which have an effect so powerful that their potency might sometimes make them difficult to use if you don’t know how. Properly applied, however, they can bring numerous, overwhelming and powerful benefits to the person. 

Probably the simplest, easiest and most straightforward way to experience oils is nasal inhalers. They are convenient little items you can slip into a purse or your jeans pocket, in order to enjoy the heavenly aroma and health benefits at any place and time. Let’s take a look at why they are so popular and effective.

Why Inhaling Is So Effective

Incredible as it may sound, the sense of smell delivers more information to the brain than all other senses combined. Moreover, it works directly on its subconscious level. The perception of odor, also called olfaction, is really well developed in humans and animals. It also invokes strong emotional reactions that result in marked behaviors. These are processed and controlled by the limbic system, where instincts, memories and vital functions take place. And that’s where aromatherapy comes in with countless uses for all sorts of conditions that can benefit from applying essential oils. You can check out for an awesome beginner’s guide and read all about their uses. But now back to the sense of smell and inhaling stuff.

One curious fact is that the sense of smell is the only one which bypasses the brain cortex and communicates with the limbic system directly. This connection helps regulate numerous bodily processes, such as heart rate, hormone balance, digestive and respiratory processes, blood pressure, stress reduction and pain management. The mechanisms for energizing and uplifting the body are also tied to it. Imagine being able to get a mid-day pick-me-up without relying on junk food and caffeine, which would inevitably result in a crash. The way to achieve that without ingesting anything or falling prey to caffeine is using an essential oil energy inhaler instead. It will help you battle fatigue while at the same time feeling fresh and energetic.

Aromatherapy Inhalers

How Aromatherapy Inhalers Are Used

Nasal Inhalers are a wonderful and easy tool to stimulate neurotransmitter production in your brain, as well as the nervous system’s responses to specific stimuli. When you inhale essential oils, this transmits signals to the body’s olfactory system, which in turn results in an increase in dopamine and serotonin production. And once elevated they, in turn, regulate mood.

The use aroma-therapeutic means such as the Be Moxe inhaler represent a much more concentrated application than placing a drop of oil on a cotton ball, napkin or in your ultrasonic diffuser. The fact that there is little to no evaporation taking place in the inhaler chamber means you get to maintain its potency and strength and guarantees a particularly long shelf life. It is also portable and readily accessible, since unlike a diffuser, you can carry your inhaler in your purse or back pocket and reach for it whenever necessary.

What Energy Inhalers Do

Energy inhalers are called that way because it’s precisely what they do. They contain either a single essential oil or a blend, and inhaling its vapors creates an instant influx of energy that lasts for about an hour, usually. The fact that you are not ingesting any substance means that you can’t overdose or affect your body adversely. Talking about adverse reactions, you should also know the rules for essential oil safety. You can find them here. But back to the topic, unlike energy drinks or bars, there are no extra calories involved and you can reach for the inhaler as often as needed if you feel another energy slump.

Due to all of the above-mentioned reasons, these clever little aromatherapy tools are a wonderful choice for students during an exam session, medical personnel or just anyone who needs to pull night or double shifts or has to stay alert at odd hours. You can also take them with you when you fly, since they are not liquid and are allowed on a plane. If you pick the right oil blend you will have the proper tools to fight jet lag and recover more quickly from traveling.

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