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Health and Safety Tips for Private Jet Travel

Health and Safety Tips for Private Jet Travel

Private travel is one of the best travel options. It’s more comfortable and private, just as the name suggests. However, some rules apply constantly across the board, irrespective of whether you are flying private or on a commercial flight. Here are practical safety and health tips before, during, and after the flight. Keep reading to make your next private flight safer and healthier.

Avoid Unnecessary Attention

Private travel is cool and prestigious. However, avoid unnecessary attention when you land in a new location because you could become a soft target for criminals. Don’t wear conspicuous clothes that will attract attention from the wrong people. 

Be careful when looking at maps because it might alert the bad guys that you are new in that place. If you must ask for direction, be careful whom you ask because you could land in the wrong hands. It’s safer to inquire from grandmas than energetic young strangers. Lastly, invest in protective clothing and gear that make it harder for pickpockets to steal your money or other personal valuables. 

Be Wary of Public Wi-Fi

Your digital safety is also critical. Don’t let the lure of convenient and free internet cause you problems. Instead, prioritize safety over cost and convenience. Hackers are always lurking in most public Wi-Fi networks to steal personal financial information. You can also set up a VPN to let you access the internet safely during your private travel.

public wi-fi

Duplicate Critical Documents

Don’t forget to take care of your vital documents’ safety while traveling. Therefore, duplicate your passport, driving license, and other personal identification documents. You simply don’t know when disaster might strike and lose these critical documents. So, scan these documents and save them online. You might also need to make their hard copies just in case the undesired happens. 

Protect Your Hotel Room

Learn how to protect your hotel room if your private jet flight keeps you away from home for some time. It’s worth taking the extra mile to boost your security, even if the hotel has proper security measures. For example, shutting your room’s windows and dead-bolting the door would go a long way in securing your room. 

Also, don’t leave obvious signs that you are out of the room by closing the room’s blinds or windows. Don’t allow a stranger into your room just because they say they work for the hotel. Always confirm by calling the hotel’s front desk to verify if it has instructed the visitor to enter your room.

hotel room safety

Fasten Your Belt

Keep yourself safe during the flight by fastening your belt. Belting protects you because it holds you securely in your seat when a jet hits unexpected turbulence. You also need to keep your belt fastened to protect yourself during landing because the captain might hit the brakes. 

Don’t Bring Any Hazardous Material 

Take care of your safety and that of other passengers by not carrying any hazardous substance. The list of such substances is almost endless. However, good judgment dictates that you leave behind any poisonous gas, corrosive, and gasoline. 


Your health is critical when flying privately. It’s important to wear your face mask while on the jet to avoid contracting or spreading COVID-19. That’s why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing this protective clothing. You also need to observe that same protocol at the airport unless you are busy drinking or eating. 

You can also reduce the risk of contracting the coronavirus by driving yourself to the airport to minimize contact with strangers. Wearing sunglasses during a private flight also reduces your chances of touching your face, especially your eyes.

Mind Your Gadgets

Information is power during this digital age. Thus, take care of your informational safety before leaving the airport, especially if you are traveling for business. For example, back up your laptop’s critical data online or on a separate hard drive. This way, you won’t lose your information if you lose your laptop before arriving at your meeting’s venue.

It’s also critical to ensure that all your electronics like laptops, tablets, and smartphones are in excellent condition. Only use manufacturer-approved chargers and batteries during flight. Consequently, you eliminate the possibility of these devices sparking a fire on the private jet.

Know Where Emergency Exits Are

Lastly, know where the emergency doors are—before and behind you. It’s also vital to the number of seats or rows between your seat and the exit doors. This way, you can easily locate them in a smoke-filled cabin.

You are now abreast of the necessary safety tips that will make your next private flight safer. Go ahead and apply them during your next flight. 


Feature Photo by Jakob Rosen on Unsplash

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