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How to Start a Business as a Photographer

How to Start a Business as a Photographer

Setting up your own business is a big step when it comes to achieving your dreams. Figuring out where to begin can be daunting, but this should not turn you away from the idea. If you are passionate about photography and have a real talent, there is nothing stopping you from accomplishing your goals. A lot of people make the common mistake of starting a business without following a guide or having a structured plan. Having the drive and enthusiasm towards photography will take you a long way but composing a plan before you begin will help take you even further. Whether you want to change your career path or simply earn money from your photography hobby alongside your day job, these steps will help kickstart your journey to success. 

Find Your Niche 

Do you find a pattern of similar styles in your photography, or do you simply find yourself capturing photographs of anything and everything? As a hobby, you may find yourself exploring different types of photography, as there are so many creative ways to display your skills. Picking a specific photography genre will help attract the clientele you desire, for example, you could excel in weddings, fine art, fashion, or events. To discover what type of photography you should choose as the focal point for your business, ask yourself a few simple questions. 

Can you pinpoint what you enjoy photographing the most? Hobbyist photographers tend to love every aspect of snapping a perfect moment on their camera. You might not have a clear-cut idea of which style interests you the most, so this could be a good time to look back at your work to help determine where your skills lie and which photographs you had the most fun taking. Really think about your favorite shoots, and ask yourself if you could happily shoot that style regularly. Consider browsing websites and magazines to find inspiration. This will assist you in noticing what type of photography styles you could see yourself thriving in. 

What is your personal style? Your personality is a huge part of your brand. Are you fashion-savvy, bold, daring? Perhaps you love to travel and capture gorgeous scenery and landscapes. Take note of your personal traits to identify ways you can implement your character in your photography business.  

Who would you like your target audience to be? Understand the clients you are hoping to attract. Defining your target audience is a vital factor to consider when finding your niche. Understanding your market is key when it comes to gaining customers’ attention with your content. 

how to start a photography business

Create a Business Plan

Before you jump into offering your services, be sure to do your research. You will need to determine the objective of your business and develop your business ideas, and of course, come up with a catchy brand name. Writing a business plan is useful to keep organized and even maximizes your chances of doing well. Coming up with a business plan is not as complicated as it may sound to a newfound entrepreneur. Free templates can even be found online to support your strategy. Referring to a business plan will help you decide your market and recognize your competition. 

Financial Planning 

This will be an important section in your business plan, or if you want to be super organized and take absolutely no risks with your budget, set apart an individual plan for your finances also. Using a financial plan benefits the growth of your business, especially during the beginning stages of establishing your business as you can focus on areas such as marketing and expenses. Assessing your start-up costs is particularly beneficial when it comes to identifying equipment and products you may need. If you already have the funds or already own the necessary photography equipment, this process will be a little easier, however, do not worry if you do not. Borrowing money is a common and useful way for entrepreneurs to grow and expand their business. Lots of business owners turn to sources for help when starting up or might even continue their day job until their business is self-reliant. 

Invest in the Necessary Equipment 

In case you do not already own everything that you need to get straight to work, double-check the products you may need to invest in or upgrade. The most obvious item you will need is a good camera! If you have this, you are almost there. These photography essentials could be items to consider investing in:

  • Camera bag
  • Lighting 
  • Lenses
  • Backdrops
  • Insurance 

Build a Portfolio 

A portfolio is essential to your photography career for numerous reasons. Just a few reasons being so that you can publicize the confidence you have in your work, increase bookings, and work on your skills. Portfolios are not just a creative project; they are an extremely useful tool when creating ads that support your business. Fill your portfolio with your favorite and most impressive pieces of art. Creating a photography portfolio is made simple with Format, an online portfolio platform where creators have made building a portfolio a whole lot easier for beginners. You can also learn of great ways to grow and develop your new photography business and portfolio with useful tips found in their weekly newsletters and social media. 

Set Your Prices

When most people are only just starting out, they usually experience feelings of uncertainty when it is time to set prices for their services. Initially, calculate all the costs from your business and your general life to ensure you make a profit. Do some research to get a rough estimate of the average rates that both amateur and professional photographers charge their clients, to help you work out fair pricing. It is beneficial to set packages with your prices, as it simplifies the booking process for potential customers. 

Create a Website

You do not need to be a professional web designer or a coding expert to create and manage an eye-catching website that displays your best work. Making your own website is possible on lots of website building platforms, providing ways for you to put together your site exactly how you envisioned it. Choose an available domain name that will target your specified audience. As long as it is affordable, investing in developers who can build a professional site exactly how you want it is always an option if you do not have the time to create your own.  

Be Active on Social Media

Lastly, now that you have all your business needs, showcase your work on as many social media platforms as possible, such as Instagram and Facebook. Gaining a large online following is a popular way to be noticed. By using social media, you can interact with your audience and build a rapport with customers. Not only does this bring in more work, but it is also a great way to display your favorite photographs, even if they were taken in your spare time. Blogging about your lifestyle as a photographer with plenty of great snaps of what you’ve been up to will keep you active online and intrigue your fans. 

Remember to have fun on your adventure as a self-employed photographer; although it is scary at first, you will reach your business goals in no time if these steps are followed.


Featured image courtesy of Pixabay

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