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Simple Steps to Make Your Luxurious Neighborhood a Safer Place

Simple Steps to Make Your Luxurious Neighborhood a Safer Place

Whether you’ve just moved in or have been a friendly face in the area for some time, everybody wants to make sure that their luxury neighborhood is a safe and happy place for them and their neighbors to live. But sadly, the days of kids playing out safely on the street in the middle of the night are long gone, and many neighborhoods lack that close-knit feel that they had a decade ago. Neighborhood safety is a team effort, but don’t sit back and think that somebody else will take care of it. Here are some steps that you can take to make sure that your neighborhood is a safer place to be.

Get to Know Your Neighbors:

Getting to know your neighbors is important for safety and simply cannot be emphasized enough. Neighbors who chat with one another regularly are more likely to pass the information on and come up with ideas together to improve the safety of their area. Know whether your neighbors work during the day, if they have kids and whose kids are whose, or whether they are elderly and will sometimes need help. Knowing who lives in your neighborhood will make it easier for you to spot anything that could potentially be suspicious.

Take Care of Appearance:

Making the outside of your home look great not only feels good, but it also helps to deter crime. So, keep up with the upkeep of your yard and lawn and encourage your neighbors to do the same. If you live close to elderly or vulnerable people, be a good neighbor and offer to help them out with yard work – this could be an excellent way for your teen to earn some extra pocket money, too. A well-kept yard with a mowed lawn and good lighting provides fewer places for suspicious persons to take cover and will help to deter burglaries.

 Nuwber home safety

Improve Street Lighting:

If your street doesn’t have the best lighting at night, there are steps that you and your neighbors can take to improve this. Along with lobbying your local authority for more street lighting if needed, you can also ensure that your street is better lit by encouraging your neighbors to turn on their porch lights or outdoor lights at night and doing the same yourself. You might also want to consider installing motion-sensor lights at the backs and sides of houses to quickly alert you to anybody up to no good.

Verify Suspicious Visitors:

Some scams are carried out by people visiting homes and pretending to be repair people or salespeople. These are often carried out on elderly and vulnerable people, but anybody can fall victim to them. Sometimes, one person will distract you at the door while the other gains access to your home to burgle it, and others can be an attempt to find out more about you. Always ask any unknown visitors for ID and verify their employment with the company that they say they work for. You can also use Nuwber to look somebody up using a phone number or name.

Encourage Outdoor Activity:

Finally, spending time outside with your neighbors is a great way to get to know everybody and keep your eye on the neighborhood at the same time. Working in your yards together, going on walks, or having barbecues and cookouts at each other’s houses are great ideas.

What are you doing to make your neighborhood a safer place to live?

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