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The Dos and Don’ts Of A Luxury Yacht Charter

The Dos and Don’ts Of A Luxury Yacht Charter

Chartering a luxury yacht is truly one of the best and most exciting experiences on sea, ever. In fact, if money isn’t a question, then it should consistently be your preferred mode of travelling by sea. There’s nothing like the privacy traveling in a luxury yacht brings, together with all the other perks it comes with.

Just picture this out: cruising by the sea or ocean sans the crowds of tourists, with your own on-call butler. There’s food prepared for you, wine when you need it, and spacious and ultra-relaxing bedrooms. On top of those, many luxury yacht charter companies also dock in places reserved only for the select few who are on other luxury yachts themselves.

Whether you’re traveling to the Virgin Islands for a yacht charter or seeking an exclusive maritime adventure, the experience is unparalleled in luxury and privacy. Without a doubt, traveling in a luxury yacht charter is a perfect experience. But, you’ll want to be able to make the most out of it by remembering certain do’s and don’ts to guide you. This article gives you that list. 

The Dos

1. Do Respect The Crew

The fact that you’re on a luxury yacht doesn’t put you in a position where you’re above anyone else, particularly the crew. In fact, those who are used to sailing in a luxurious fashion have also mastered the art of courtesy and politeness. They’re never rude to staff, and that’s something you should also learn to do.

When you’re on a luxury yacht cruise, you can expect the crew to be very busy. It’s stressful taking care of all the very specific requests of passengers, like what flowers to place in the bedroom, how many pillows should be there, and what temperature the wine should be chilled in. Then, there’s also thinking about what fun stuff to do on a boat, to keep the guests happy.

Always respect the crew. Chances are, they’ll be happier to serve you and meet all your preferences when you’re constantly nice to them.

Yacht charters

2. Do Decide On The Itinerary Ahead Of Time

Before the yacht cruise sets sail, you’ll have to decide on the itinerary, too, with the yacht charter provider. The destination is decided upon, yes, but, perhaps, there are islands the yacht usually goes to as a part of the cruise that you can decide on.

If you’re traveling with family, then make everyone a part of that decision. This ensures everyone is happy during the entire cruise. You wouldn’t want to spend so much money on the yacht charter only to find that your family had other destinations in mind.

Moreover, deciding on the itinerary also gives the crew extra time to make the necessary arrangements for all the stops. Those may include docking times and even little things, like meals and private beach access, among the many.

3. Do Stick To The Allowed Number Of Guests

Whatever the number of guests you’ve included in your charter’s headcount, be sure to stick to it. Even if you’re going to pay for the fare for any additional individuals you’re planning to include, the crew of luxury yacht services don’t like unpleasant surprises as it’ll only put them on a sticky spot. Every passenger expects perfect and seamless service in a luxury yacht charter service, so imagine the horror if one doesn’t receive their hors d’oeuvres. 

If you have more guests coming, inform the luxury yacht provider about this ahead of time. This way, the staff can make all the necessary changes as is required.

4. Do Give Time For Housekeeping To Work

While traveling on a luxury yacht is all about relaxation, this doesn’t mean you can linger in your room the whole day. Truth be told, you’ll be missing out on the whole experience and spectacular views if you stay indoors.

Go out, enjoy the sun, and walk around when the yacht docks. This also gives housekeeping staff enough time to clean your room. If they don’t have that time, then you should, at least, lower your expectations relating to how often they can keep your room clean. 

The Don’ts

1. Don’t Overpack

You’re traveling in a luxury yacht, so, it’s natural to feel like you have to look picture-perfect all the time. Just be sure, however, not to overpack. Even the grandest super yachts still come with weight limits, in the same manner as traveling on a private jet does. So, you’ll want to be considerate enough to meet those limits.

Moreover, you won’t see VIPs on a luxury yacht bringing all sorts of bulky luggage, even if such may be placed on expensive luggage. They know how to travel in style while still bringing all the essentials. 

The key is to start with the number of days you’ll be cruising on the yacht. If you’re only going to the beach during summer or spring, then skip the bulky clothes. If you’re traveling by yacht to an otherwise cold location, then that’s when your rain boots and trench coats will come in handy.

2. Don’t Forget To Hydrate With Water

In between the days of sunbathing and nights of popping champagne, it can be so easy to skip the most basic: hydrating with water. You may be surprised to find out that many of those who are used to traveling on a yacht charter actually forget to do this as well. However, it’s a must if you want to come home happy and healthy.

Dehydration can be a really serious problem, especially while on a beach holiday. Luxury yacht services may have impeccable service, but that doesn’t mean they come with a mobile hospital on board. If you’re cruising away from land, you need to avoid any possible life-threatening health issues, like dehydration.

yacht charter

3. Don’t Book On The Last Minute

If you want everything about your holiday to be perfect, don’t wait until the last minute to book. Once you’ve set the date for your vacation, make the necessary bookings ASAP. If you wait until the very last minute, you may not get the yacht you want, or the services and amenities you’ll be requesting may not be available. 

Yacht charters are definitely the pinnacle of travel. It’s something that only a select few can afford, making it truly the experience of a lifetime. Whether this is your first time or not, there’s always room to practice your luxury yacht etiquette, starting with the dos and don’ts. After all, being in that type of service also comes with high expectations of good and exceptional behavior and class. With the guide above, you should be feeling more confident now about booking that yacht charter. Once you start traveling this way, you may find that there’s no other better way to travel than on a luxury yacht.

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