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5 Top Sustainable Housing Trends

5 Top Sustainable Housing Trends

We’re all trying to be a little more conscious of our impact on the planet in recent years, from making more informed dietary choices to recycling wherever possible and using the car less. And a sustainable lifestyle choice extends to the very homes we live in.

The benefits of becoming more environmentally aware range from giving us a few extra pennies at the end of the month saved on the bills to making the planet a healthier place for our children to grow up in.

Here are 5 of the top sustainable housing trends:

1. Solar Panels

Recent years have marked huge advances in the solar energy industry with the technology becoming more effective and the panels themselves less visible. Now, panels are low-profile enough to lay flush with the roof resulting in a more discreet appearance.

One of the biggest hurdles for solar panel manufacturers to overcome was the efficiency of the batteries that hold the charge. The advancement in cell technology is a goal shared by many industries, notably the electric car market and therefore batteries have become more efficient, and the lifespans extended.

solar panels

2. Building Materials

The enormous carbon footprint of concrete production has heralded a renaissance of natural building materials, bringing timber, stone and natural insulation back into our homes.

Metal building materials also have a place in the sustainable housing movement. Steel is one of the most recyclable building materials at over 98%. And it can be recycled over and over again. 

And it doesn’t always mean starting from scratch with energy eco materials. Abiding by the mantra: reduce, reuse, repair, recycle; repurposing otherwise waste structures is a great way to reduce our mark on the environment.  Old buildings, houseboats and even shipping containers can be converted into comfortable modern homes with all modern amenities.

metal building materials

3. Smart Energy Systems

The internet of things seems ubiquitous in today’s age, at times with great practicality and other times seemingly redundantly. An example of the former is smart energy systems installed in modern houses.

Users are able to control heating, lights and security from their smart devices. The mere act of being able to monitor daily usage has made many people much more environmentally aware.

Furthermore, unnecessarily heating parts of the home has become easier to avoid. Something as simple as forgetting to turn the heating off when you go on holiday can now be managed from your smartphone.

4. Net-Zero Homes

Most of the world have made a pledge to achieve carbon neutrality within the next 30 years with Bhutan and Suriname already succeeding in doing so (both of which are in fact carbon negative—removing more carbon than they emit). In parallel, the goal for many homeowners is to achieve net-zero status, where they produce as much renewable energy as they consume over the course of a year.

These homes are so well insulated and energy efficient that owners enjoy zero energy bills and a zero net carbon emission footprint. Buildings are responsible for 40% of all energy consumption and net-zero homes are the foundation of a future less reliant on fossil fuels.

net-zero homes

5. Water Filtration

There’s no understating the importance of water in our day-to-day lives. We wash in it and with it, drink it, use it to cook and water our plants with it. People are guaranteeing the purity of their water supply with the use of water filtration units.

Having access to clean and healthy drinking water is a great way to minimize plastic bottle usage and all the environmental factors associated with plastic production. The purity of water is regional, and an effective water filter is one way to help care for the wellbeing of your family.

Sustainability is more than a buzzword; it’s about making real and impactful changes to care for our planet and everything that lives on it. Whether you’re building your home or updating your current abode, try utilising some of these methods to reduce your impact on the environment.


Feature Photo by 贝莉儿 DANIST on Unsplash

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