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How To Get Fuller and Thicker Hair

How To Get Fuller and Thicker Hair

Not everyone has the fortune of a thick, full head of voluminous hair, with most people searching for some sort of hidden secret to this goal. Most do their best to make the locks they have mimic lusciousness with a variety of techniques like hair extensions.

Some women may begin to experience thinning hair as a result of the aging process, which deems to be a common condition with females later in life. Men are more prone to losing their strands associated with pattern hair loss, but it’s not uncommon for men to experience thin locks as well. Contributing factors attributed to thinning hair aside from the natural age progression include:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Genetics
  • Commercial product overuse
  • Illness
  • chemical/substance reactions/allergies

There is truly not a way to alter the texture of follicles, but there are ways for you to make your specific locks have the appearance of being thicker, fuller hair, and assist in decreasing breakage and actual strand loss.

Natural Treatments To Bring Out The Thickness In Hair

Regardless of what the reason is for thinning hair, there is potential for helping give the appearance of more natural luxurious hair through the use of regular, everyday products. There is a broad spectrum of organic solutions that aid in thickening strands, but not every potential remedy will react in the same way for every person. Each individual has their own body chemistry, vast differences as far as the makeup of the follicles, and the way your hair responds to these techniques will be unique to you. Take a look at a few of the products you can find around your home to help with the volume in your limp locks.

  • Protein is essential for strong hair:  A product that provides a high level of protein is eggs, and using these as a treatment regularly can aid in strengthening and increasing the thickness of the strands. In preparing the egg treatment, you would:
  1. Beat two eggs.
  2. On damp hair apply to the scalp and hair.
  3. Allow it to sit on the scalp half hour.
  4. Wash with warm water thoroughly and a mild shampoo. 

You can alternately add a tablespoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of water to the egg mixture and leave on the scalp for only 15 minutes and then proceed as directed. The egg treatment can be done two times each week up to several weeks in an attempt for strengthening.

  • Omega 3 rich as well as other nutrients beneficial to health including hair: The omega-three rich olive oil is a benefit to hair health when there is an application to the scalp area and the entire locks. It boasts of promoting volume, creating softness, and providing relief of a dry scalp.
  1. The oil should be heated to body temperature.
  2. Massage the heated substance to the hair and scalp.
  3. Let it sit for approximately 45 minutes with some leaving it on overnight with a shower cap on to cover the head.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo.

In some cases, people will add honey to the oil.

how to get fuller thicker hair olive oil

  • Engaging in a healthful, nutritious diet program: A diet that is rich in protein, healthy fats, and an assortment of vitamins boasts as aiding with the condition of thinning hair. Thin hair can genuinely be the result of poor diets lacking nutrients. For you to build a diet that positively affects the body and hair health, foods should be incorporated that are rich in nutrients such as:
  1. Eggs – protein, iron, omega 3
  2. Salmon – protein, fatty acids
  3. Greek yogurt – protein
  4. Nuts such as almonds and walnuts – fatty acids
  5. Beans – protein

The suggestion is to add approximately two tablespoons of any of these foods to each day’s meal plan or even four servings in a week for improvements in your strand’s health.

  • The aloe vera plant has benefits for strand health: The plant boasts as having desirable properties for scalp, skin, and hair with the application directly to the strands and the scalp providing strengthening and thickening over time. There is a wide range of products with the active ingredient of aloe available in gel or cream form. Some people use pure aloe and, in some cases, mix it with either coconut or olive oil. Twice a week is a recommendation.

Additional organic products that can be implemented in the same ways as these other items are avocados and castor oil with the same application processes and using the same rinsing with a mild shampoo. The goal with each of these methods is to naturally, organically bring volume and luscious body to your locks. 

Each of the products boasts key ingredients that tout the ability to produce these results. As mentioned, the ‘remedies’ will potentially offer a different outcome for you as compared to those around you based on your specific makeup. But because they are safe, harmless, and natural, trying them is entirely worth it. There have been anecdotal successes from people who have taken the opportunity to implement these techniques into their regimen. For vitamin, options go to

thicker fuller hair


For thinning hair, there have not been scientifically-proven test results regarding these types of natural remedies as they are not well-studied. It’s merely a matter of anecdotal studies from people who have tried the ideas and have benefited or had good results. 

Anyone who may suffer from allergies should understand that they would not rub anything on their scalp, which may result in triggering an allergic reaction and take caution in such.

Anyone who is experiencing a thinning of their hair or hair loss needs to definitively consult with a medical provider first to determine if there is an underlying health condition for which treatment needs to be implemented. In turn, this could resolve the issue in and of itself.

Otherwise, engaging in the natural, organic trials mentioned here deem safe, affordable methods that have no potential for harm (other than the potential for allergens) and could result in that luscious head of hair for which you’ve been hoping.

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