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How to Choose the Right Home Décor Accessories

How to Choose the Right Home Décor Accessories

Choosing the right home décor accessories can transform a house into a warm and inviting home. Accessories have the power to add character, style, and personality to any space. We’ve got a simple strategy to accessorize in the style that’s just right for your space. Let’s explore some valuable tips on how to choose the right home décor accessories that suit your taste and elevate your living space.

Define Your Style

Before embarking on the journey of selecting accessories and other home décor services, take some time to define your personal style. Consider the existing aesthetic in your home and determine whether you prefer a modern, minimalist, traditional, or eclectic look. Having a clear understanding of your style will help you make confident decisions when shopping for accessories that complement your overall design scheme.

Consider Scale and Proportion

Scale and proportion play vital roles when choosing home décor accessories. It is crucial to select items that are in proportion to the size of your space and other decorative elements within it. For instance, if you have a large living room with high ceilings, opt for taller furniture pieces or larger art prints to create a cohesive look. Similarly, in smaller rooms or spaces with lower ceilings, choose smaller-scale decorations that won’t overwhelm the area.

Mix Colors Strategically

Color is an essential aspect of interior design, as it influences our moods and emotions within a space. When selecting home decor accessories in terms of color, consider both harmony and contrast. If you already have vibrant-colored walls or furniture pieces in your space, consider adding neutral-colored accessories to balance out the visual aesthetic. On the other hand, if your room lacks excitement or needs a pop of color, experiment with bolder choices by adding accent pillows or wall art with vibrant tones.

Texture Adds Depth

Texture is often overlooked but plays an integral part in creating visual interest within an interior space. Adding textured elements such as cushions with varied fabric patterns, woven rugs, textured ceramics, or soft throws can add depth and tactile appeal to your space. Another way to incorporate texture is through natural elements like wooden furniture or plants. Mixing different textures creates a visually dynamic and inviting atmosphere.

Focus on Functionality

While aesthetics are important, it’s crucial to choose home décor accessories that serve a purpose as well. Determine what functions you need the accessories to fulfill in your space. For example, a stylish basket can serve both as storage and a decorative piece or a decorative tray can be used for organizing essentials on a coffee table while being visually pleasing at the same time.

Strike the Right Balance

Balance is key when decorating any space. Whether it’s symmetrical or asymmetrical, ensure that the layout feels visually appealing and harmonious to the eyes. Symmetrical balance refers to mirroring two sides of an interior with identical visual weight, whereas asymmetrical balance involves positioning objects of varying sizes and heights in an artful way so they still maintain equilibrium within the overall design scheme.

Don’t Overcrowd

It’s tempting to want to fill every nook and cranny with decorative items, but overcrowding can overwhelm your space and create visual chaos instead of harmony. Allow some breathing room between accessories, and avoid cluttering surfaces. Remember that less is often more; opting for fewer but impactful pieces will make a more significant design statement.

Mix Old with New

When choosing home décor accessories, consider blending vintage or antique pieces with new ones to create a layered and curated look. This approach adds character and uniqueness and tells a story within your space. A vintage lamp paired with modern ceramics or an antique mirror hanging above contemporary furniture can create juxtapositions that make a statement and reflect your personal style.


Remember, selecting home décor accessories should be an enjoyable process that reflects your personality while enhancing your living environment. By carefully considering your style, scale, proportion, color, texture, functionality, and balance and avoiding overcrowding, you’ll be well on your way to creating a beautifully decorated home that tells your unique story. Happy decorating!


Feature Photo by Jonny Caspari on Unsplash

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