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How To Decorate Your Luxury Home

How To Decorate Your Luxury Home

If you have a luxury home, it comes down to the fine details and high-end materials to make it feel luxurious. A truly luxurious home needs to look the part and needs to ooze richness from its very pores. You want everything in its place when you’re showing off your designer home.

There are some really interesting ways you can do this while still being functional. Here are some top tips for bringing out the blink in your luxury home!

Keep Your Home Diverse

One of the things that every single luxury home designer will tell you is that you need to diversify. Having several materials, colors, or fabrics in a room might not seem like a good idea. However, if you pick the correct ones the differences will complement one another in both color and texture. You will keep the room interesting and it will certainly upscale any space.

Don’t start thinking you need to completely overhaul every room and start from scratch either. You can take existing rooms and color palettes that you have and then add smaller items to brighten the place up. From curtains, to throw pillows, to small décor items on the side tables. These smaller items can accentuate the bigger items and add new color and texture without a lot of work!

Use Rugs and Mirrors

Of course, one of the biggest tricks in the design world is that mirrors make a room look bigger and lighter. But that is because it is true! Mirrors can add light and depth to any room in the house, and they are an easy way to add a touch of luxury to a space. Additionally, if you’ve got a luxury home, then you probably have the wardrobe to go with it. A mirror is the perfect way to admire yourself as you live in the lap of luxury. 

Rugs are also another way to unify a space and call attention to whatever is resting on them. If you arrange your furniture around a very nice rug, you might find that the entire area just feels more tied together and warm. Plus, the perfect colored rug can also be instrumental in continuing to tie a space together.

Use Accent Lighting For Your Artwork

Most luxury homes do have some serious artwork adoring them. Pieces that catch the eye and also are fantastic conversation starters. While art is pretty common and the pieces can help the room stand out, you need to remember to get an accent lighting piece. These lights are designed to help draw attention to specific features and areas of the room, and they are used in museums to highlight the exhibits. If you want your guests to be focused on your artwork, you can get various lighting features to highlight them. The lights can be wall-mounted, or they can be recessed lights or even smart downlights.

Figure out what type of light will work the best for you and your needs, and then accent your artwork with them. Because it will make your art pieces and your entire room look more and more luxurious.

Add In Luxury With Metal and Faux Fur

Finally, the true way for your home to be luxurious is for it to take a page from other wealthy people. Having metal décor and accents throughout your home, especially with gold and silver, can cause the room to pop. From cabinet handles to light fixtures to picture frames, you can add small metal touches that will complete the space and give your room a truly luxurious look.

Faux Fur also adds luxury and warmth to your home, all while being humane to boot. The right type of faux fur can add interest to your space, especially if it is something like a throw pillow or a blanket. Plus, it will never go out of style and will allow you to take advantage of the fur trend without feeling guilty!

Figure Out What Luxury Means To You

Still, at the end of the day, you need to figure out what luxury means to you. Does it mean having lots of artwork on the walls? A massive bedroom where you can relax? An entertainment space where you can host all of your friends? The best way to get a handle on what you want your luxury home to look like is to figure out what you want to do in it. Then focus on how to decorate the space that you will spend the most time in.

Honestly, it might take some trial and error, but at the end of the day, you will have a stylish and perfectly decorated luxury home!


Feature Photo by Zac Gudakov on Unsplash

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