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Caren Rideau: Designer, Vintner, Entertainer [PART 1 OF 3]

Caren Rideau: Designer, Vintner, Entertainer [PART 1 OF 3]

Kitchen Designer, Vintner and entertainment enthusiast Caren Rideau has it all! I was recently introduced to this savvy business woman and was so taken by all she has accomplished, I insisted on doing an interview. It was difficult deciding what to focus on, so I turned it into a three-part series. Today, we will be taking a look at her work as a luxury kitchen designer. The kitchen is the foundation of what she does by day and it is her sanctuary, outside of the office. The one place she can showcase her entertainment prowess and the wine she has been crafting with her with her partner Andres Ibarra, since 2012. 

I get the sense this woman loves to live and embraces every moment.

Caren Rideau quote design

Her newsletter Kitchens Uncorked is a popular read, and goes beyond kitchens and baths and shares, “A Perfect Pairing” of a favorite recipe and wine, and “One More Thing” that she has discovered and can’t live without. It is worth checking out! Now let’s hear from the designer…

Who is Caren Rideau?

As the founder of Los Angeles-based Kitchen Design Group, Rideau combines her love of design, food, wine, and entertaining to create stylish and functional spaces that celebrate great design, delicious food, and the act of gathering together. Seeing the kitchen as the “heartbeat” of the home, Caren’s designs are infused with color and emotion and rooted in the function and efficiency that transcends any particular style. The resulting portfolio is diverse in aesthetic however each home is refined yet comfortable, elegant yet casual.

Caren Rideau Kitchen Design

How did you get started in interior design? 

I got started in interior design when in college – up until then, I never thought design could be an option as a career. I chose design as a general elective out of personal interest, and then found myself in the interior design building which was fascinating. I quickly switched my major from business to interior design and architecture, and I haven’t looked back since. 

What inspires your passion for kitchen design?

My passion for design is constant – regularly fueled by my own research, and also inspiration I take from other designers. My mom was a huge inspiration for my passion for kitchen design. Growing up my mom was always in the kitchen providing meals for us, especially during the holidays.
Caren Rideau Kitchen Design

What is your favorite part of designing? 

My favorite part of designing is that the inspiration is all around us, in our everyday lives. I’ve always dreamed of creating well-designed kitchens where people feel joy, compassion and emotion through great conversation and excellent food. 

What is your biggest challenge as an interior designer? 

My biggest challenge as an interior designer is trying to keep my designs simple when there is so much influence around me. It requires me to take a moment to stop and think of what I want my end result to be – and most importantly, what the client wants it to be. This means meeting the client’s individual design needs and budget. Simple is timeless, which often works in my favor when I run into challenges. 
Caren Rideau Kitchen Design

What is your methodology when developing a design?

When developing my designs, I first look at the function and the space allocations to see what design will work best. Once I have the layout down, I build the beauty from there. 

How to decipher what the client wants, if they don’t know themselves?

I find that most of my clients know and understand how they function and work in the space. From there I begin to get a feel for the space myself to grasp what clients may need to enhance what they already have. If the client wants a new design, it is often a more current and updated version of what they have. 

What is your favorite kitchen gadget? 

My favorite kitchen gadget is a wine opener. My partner and I love wine so much, that we opened our own boutique wine label Tierra y Vino back in 2012.
Caren Rideau Kitchen Design

What is the most luxurious item you have ever put into one of your kitchen designs?

One of the most luxurious items I have put into one of my kitchen designs was a 6’0” La Cornue range and hood with matching cabinets. This stove fits beautifully in the space and I couldn’t imagine the kitchen without it. 

What is one piece of advice for anyone remodeling their kitchen?

One piece of advice I would give to anyone remodeling their kitchen is to keep it realistic, stay focused on your individual needs, and build from there.

How do you define luxury? 

I would define luxury as comfort. When everything is in alignment – including the design, the implementation, and acquiring that feel-good moment that tickles your soul. Luxury is a feeling of extravagance which can differ for each individual.

Thank you Caren for sharing your story! In Part II of this series, we will take a look at how her passion for wine, blossomed into a successful business, that is a decade old and growing.

Caren Rideau

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About The Author

Sherrie Wilkolaski

Sherrie Wilkolaski is the Editor-in-Chief of Luxe Beat Magazine and CEO of Luxe Beat Media. She's a luxury lifestyle journalist, bestselling author, speaker, radio talk show host, content strategist and Publishing Architect™. France is her favorite country to visit, her most memorable travel experience was walking the Great Wall of China and she is looking forward to making her inaugural visit to Ireland soon! Her column Cookies & Cocktails is Luxe Beat's most popular. She’s a former International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association board member and treasurer. Her most recent book, Publishing Architect’s Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals is a 2017 Indie Book Awards Finalist. She's currently studying for her first Sommelier exam. She is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

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