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Photographer Joseph Baldwin [INTERVIEW]

Photographer Joseph Baldwin [INTERVIEW]

Houston-based Joseph Baldwin is a photographer and creative director based in Houston, Texas.

“Houston is my hometown, but majority of my life I grew up in Norfolk, Virginia. Virginia became my proving ground for my creative journey. My first insight to film and photography came through the art of skateboarding. I receive my first skateboard at the age of six on Christmas. Ever since that day I never stopped skateboarding. When I was younger I would get Thrasher and Skateboarding magazines in the mail. At the time I was reeled in at all the amazing pro skateboarders and the stunning tricks they preformed. As I progressed through the years of skateboarding. I tried my hand at putting together “sponsor me” tapes to showcase to local skate shops. The amount of effort it takes to film and edit footage is a skill of its own. From this point years later I would use the skills I learned filming skateboarding to photography. Doing this I created a new discover and liking for photography.” – Joseph Baldwin

Joseph Baldwin self portrait

Joseph Baldwin self portrait

What inspires your work?

My inspirations come from music and skateboarding. When I listen to certain genres such as blues or soul music. I am taken to another world in my imagination. Drawing emotional connections to the songs playing and expressing those ideas through my photography. When I come cross challenges or creative blocks. I go to the skatepark. As, I am cursing through the skatepark I am able to find new inspirations to create and clear my mind through my creative process.

What makes the good picture stand out from the average?

I would have to say lightening and composition makes a good picture stand out from average picture. I know there are many other elements that can make a good picture stand out, but with the knowledge and use of lighting and composition. A photographer can convey a powerful story through a good picture.

What is your favorite type of photography?

My favorite photography is portrait photography. I love portrait photography because I am able to capture the beauty and the uniqueness of all walks of life. I believe everyone has a unique story to tell and helping them bring their story to life through my camera is a great honor for me.

What kind of gear do you use?

My primary camera I shoot with is a Canon M50 Mark II. It is a mirrorless camera with crop sensor adapter for interchangeable lens from DLSR cameras. I also, use my Godox AD200 Pro Flash. This flash helps me fill areas with light and also help light my subjects to get the perfect balance of light and color in times when the natural lighting is not great for shooting.

Joseph Baldwin photographer

Which is your favorite lens? Why?

My favorite camera lens has to be the prime 24mm lens F2.8. Also, referred to as the pancake lens. I love it because this small size lens can produce amazing quality photos. Another, lens that is my favorite is the 50mm lens this lens fits perfect subjects perfectly in frame with a slight zoom.

What is your favorite photography editing software?

My favorite editing software is Adobe Photoshop. At first it was a little intimidating because of the learning curve of all the different tools and resources this program offers. Although, after a few trial and errors I took a strong liking to this software.

What do you do to grow as a photographer?

What I do to grow as a photographer is to attend YouTube university. I spend about thirty minutes to a hour a day learning about lighting, editing, and composition techniques. I also review and practice techniques I have already learned and try to become consistent with that technique. Lastly, I experiment and try to shoot things out of my confront zone such as street photography. When doing street photography there is no time to find the moment because the moment is always happening and finding that moment can be tricky because the environment is constantly moving and changing. Yet, getting those reps in help improve the photographer’s sense for capturing the moment.

What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?

One thing I wish I knew is the process it takes to find and creative a powerful pictures. Photography is art that takes many years to master and become a well-rounded creative. Having the patiences to accept your skill level and the ability as a creative take time to develop. As, there will be many periods of progression and unknown potential. The best thing I learn is to embrace all aspects of your journey.

Is there a photographer or artist that has influenced your work?

I would say my work is heavily influenced by Kendrick Lamar. Even though he is not a photographer his music paint stories that are timeless and full of soul. I can create connections from his music into my photography. I also like the authentic relatable stories in his music.

Joseph Baldwin photographer

Do you have a favorite photograph in your portfolio?

Yes, I have a favorite photo in my portfolio. It is a recent photo from collaborative photo shoot I did in January 2023. The scene I made the model look as if she is floating in the air. The secret behind me pulling this off is the angle I capture the picture and also removed the chair from under her in post editing looking as if she was floating.

What is your opinion on black and white versus color photography?

I love black and white photography compared to color photography because black and white adds tone and nostalgia look to pictures. As, color photography you can make the colors vibrant or cool tones which look appealing. Yet, nothing beats the classic look of black and white photography.

Where haven’t you travelled that you would like to eventually visit and photograph?

I would to visit Colorado Springs and capture the beautiful terrains and wildlife. This place has always been on my bucket list for places I want to travel. I think the views there are breathtaking.

Joseph Baldwin photographer

What motivates you to be a photographer?

What motivated me to become a photographer is being able to create and capture memorable moments in time. Also, I fell in love with the art of photography.

What is your typical photography process?

I spend about a month planning my creative projects. Scouting locations, gathering materials and putting together a team to get the projects completed. I also do mock run throughs of how much time I plan to spend on this particular project and create schedule blocks from start to finish. Once I have the project completed I then move on to scout magazines submissions to share my collaborative projects.

What is one of your favorite experiences while traveling? Describe it.

One of my favorite experiences while traveling has to been when I went through an Amish town heading towards WoodWard skate camp in 2013. I was able to see a brief view of different social environment compared to living in the city of Norfolk, Virginia.

To learn more about Joseph and his work visit

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About The Author

Sherrie Wilkolaski

Sherrie Wilkolaski is the Editor-in-Chief of Luxe Beat Magazine and CEO of Luxe Beat Media. She's a luxury lifestyle journalist, bestselling author, speaker, radio talk show host, content strategist and Publishing Architect™. France is her favorite country to visit, her most memorable travel experience was walking the Great Wall of China and she is looking forward to making her inaugural visit to Ireland soon! Her column Cookies & Cocktails is Luxe Beat's most popular. She’s a former International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association board member and treasurer. Her most recent book, Publishing Architect’s Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals is a 2017 Indie Book Awards Finalist. She's currently studying for her first Sommelier exam. She is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

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