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11 Summer Travel Tips With Kids

11 Summer Travel Tips With Kids

Many families take vacations during the summer as it is the perfect season to engage in fun-filled recreations. The comfortable climate allows parents to plan child-centered activities without weather restrictions. Whether you’re taking your children on a camping trip, spending the weekend at a beach resort, or going to an amusement park, here are 11 tips to help make your summer adventure a memorable and fun experience for your little ones.

1. Involve your kids in the planning process

Most often, kids act out if they’re uncomfortable and unaware of what to expect. One effective strategy to ensure they’ll be in their best behaviors during your trip is to involve them in the planning process. Discuss the upcoming travel with your children early on and let them have a say with some of the activities. Setting their expectations in advance and talking about the trip frequently can help build their excitement, reducing their chances of having public tantrums.

2. Pack wisely

Packing smartly is vital when traveling with children. Some families tend to overpack, thinking that the more items they bring, the more secure their trip will be. However, too much luggage can limit your mobility and compromise your ability to protect your children. Consider your non-negotiables and list them by priority.

These days, unless you’re traveling to a less-developed country, you can purchase almost anything anywhere. Some companies also rent out baby equipment, enabling you to travel lighter and save on luggage space. If you plan to rent a stroller for your little ones, remember to bring a stroller fan to keep them cool and comfortable throughout your summer trip. Choose a trusted company such as Diono, as they offer high-quality products at reasonable prices.

3. Follow a routine

Children thrive on routines, so make sure to create an itinerary that is similar to their daily schedules at home. For instance, if they usually take their naps after lunch, organize your activities in the afternoon or once they wake up. You also need to schedule plenty of downtime to help your kids recharge, especially if they had a full day. Regardless of how spontaneous or energetic your children are, they will get cranky and unhappy if they’re not well-rested. 

travel tips with kids

4. Take breaks often

If you’re planning a summer road trip, make sure to stop for breaks frequently. Being inside a vehicle for long hours is not ideal for children, as they need to move often. It is essential that your kids release their built-up energy so that they will be more comfortable while on the road. Select child-friendly rest areas where they can run around and stretch their legs. Even if the frequent stops cause you to miss out on some of the planned activities, your kids will be happier and more relaxed during your trip. 

5. Load up on snacks

Snacks are necessary when traveling with kids. Bring a variety of snacks for your little ones, as hungry kids are more prone to emotional breakdowns. Opt for easy-to-eat healthy snacks that they can easily and safely munch on. Avoid perishable food items and those that have high sugar and salt content. Some popular travel snacks for kids include granola bars, low-sugar cereal, almond butter, popcorn trail mix, cinnamon apple chips, fresh fruits, string cheese, whole wheat wraps, and mini pancakes. 

6. Take advantage of child discounts

Traveling with kids can be expensive, so taking advantage of child discounts can help stretch your travel budget. You can save money on accommodation, entrance fees, transportation, food,  and packaged tours, allowing you to allocate your funds to other travel elements. Since some establishments have internal promotions, make sure to call your hotel and airline in advance and inquire if they offer family discounts. 

7. Visit their doctor

Before your trip, bring your kids to their pediatrician to ensure they’re fit to travel. If traveling overseas, make sure they have the necessary vaccinations and their prescriptions are updated. Remember that not all medications, especially prescription medications, are available in all pharmacies, so make it a point to buy them before leaving. You should also pack a few over-the-counter medications to ensure you’re well-equipped to care for a sick child. 

kid at the beach

8. Prioritize safety

Children get easily distracted over the smallest things, and some tend to wander off by themselves in public places. No matter how busy you are, you must keep track of your little ones’ movements. Consider using child-friendly GPS tracker devices and have your kids wear identification bracelets. If traveling with another adult, make sure to share parenting and travel duties. However, if traveling solo, always have your kids within your line of sight and keep them as close as possible. Educate your children on the importance of staying together and instruct them on what to do in case they get separated. 

9. Create a flexible schedule 

When traveling with kids, it is imperative that you create a schedule with plenty of time allowance. Remember that everything takes longer than usual when you have little ones in tow, so your itinerary should be flexible enough to accommodate unforeseen situations. If flying, it would be best to check in online so you can skip the long airport queues and minimize your kids’ waiting time. 

10. Limit your kids’ toys and screen time

While toys can help keep your children entertained, avoid bringing too many of them. Ask your little ones to choose one to two of their favorites, but ensure that their preferred toys don’t take much luggage space. Aside from limiting their toys, you should also reduce their gadget use, so they can be more present. Encourage your kids to enjoy their surroundings and communicate with you more. 

11. Manage your expectations 

Having the right attitude and mindset is essential when traveling with kids. Learn to manage your expectations and accept that your kids have limitations. Acknowledge that things could go wrong no matter how careful you were during preparations. 

Traveling with kids during the summer need not be challenging. Be sure to follow these travel tips to help make your family summer vacation an unforgettable experience for everyone.   

kids playing

Feature Photo credit: Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay  

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