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Art Deco: A Timeless Style for Your Home

Art Deco: A Timeless Style for Your Home

Art deco is a great style to consider if you want to give your home a sophisticated and timeless look. It emerged in the 1920s and remains popular today. It is associated with various elements, such as bold colours and luxurious materials. In this article, we’ll explore the roots of this style and provide tips on how to achieve it in your home.

art deco

Art Deco Origin

The term was first used in 1925, but its roots may be traced back to the early 20th century. It is a blend of modernist styles and traditional craftsmanship. The name originates from the French word “decoration,” which indicates the ornate design elements that are distinctive of this style. Art deco was popularized in America and Europe and peaked between World Wars I and II when designers and artists sought new ways to express themselves. They were influenced by cubism, the Bauhaus, and many other factors.

Art deco design

Art Deco & Interior Design

The designers’ review of Ecoline windows and other interior parts shows that there is a clear link between interior design and art deco. It’s shown in the use of lavish ornamentation, bold geometric shapes, and rich colours in both disciplines. While the style emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, interior design didn’t become popular until the middle of the century. However, when you look for different interior details, such as doors or windows for sale Edmonton, you should remember that both disciplines share a common purpose: to make the interior of the place more aesthetically pleasing.

art deco design

Key Features

Before we get to the design tips, let’s talk about the characteristics of the style:

  • features geometric shapes such as triangles and rectangles, often repeated in a pattern, creating a sense of rhythm;
  • uses contrasting colours, like black and white, silver and gold, usually paired with glossy surfaces that reflect light and add to the overall luxury of the style;
  • employs luxurious materials such as marble, chrome, and glass combined to create a sense of opulence and refinement;
  • favours symmetry, with objects mirrored on either side of a central axis, which creates a sense of balance pleasing to the eye.

With that in mind, it’s far easier to develop a design project and find décor elements to bring art deco to your home.

art deco design

Bringing Art Deco into Home

Regarding furniture, look for a style-inspired one that conveys its main features. A curved sofa or armchair, a mirrored console table, or a glass coffee table can all add a touch of art deco to your living room.

Art deco lighting fixtures usually feature geometric forms and metallic finishes. Pay attention to chandeliers, table lamps, or wall sconces that showcase these elements.

art deco design

Mirrors, as an essential element of art deco design, reflect light and add depth and dimension to a space. Look for ones with bold, geometric frames, or hang a collection of mirrors in different shapes and sizes to create a statement wall.

Finally, don’t forget about accessories! Art deco-style accessories such as vases, candle holders, and picture frames help add a touch of glamour to any area.

Being timeless, Art Deco can add a touch of refinement to any home. Whether you choose art-deco-inspired furniture or add a few accessories to existing décor, embracing this iconic style is sure to make a statement in your home.

art deco design

Feature Photo by Spacejoy on Unsplash

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