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5 Benefits of Retinoids for Your Skin

5 Benefits of Retinoids for Your Skin

Retinoids were first invented in 1971. They were popularly used for treating acne and improving various skin conditions. Although they won’t resolve all your skin problems, the benefits of retinoids are endless.

Here are a few reasons to consider using retinoids:

1. Treating Acne

If you have acne, you have probably tried using various remedies. Many of them do not work. They could leave your skin worse than it was.

However, retinoids have always been great at treating moderate to severe acne. They unblock your pores, making it possible for medicated creams to penetrate into your skin.

They also prevent dead skin cells from clogging your pores. This is an effective way of preventing acne breakouts. Retinoids may also prevent acne scars giving you the confidence to go about your day. 

2. Preventing and Reducing the Appearance of Wrinkles

Are retinoids good for wrinkles? Yes, they are. Retinoids help your body build more collagen. They stimulate new blood vessels, giving you a younger, rosier appearance. They reduce precancerous skin spots (actinic keratosis) and fade age spots. Retinoids can protect you from the effects of UV radiation.

If you already have wrinkles, retinoids can reduce their appearance. Using retinoids along with products that have alpha-hydroxy acids can make your skin smoother. 

3. It Can Even Your Skin Tone

One of the best things about retinoids is that they promote skin cell turnover. This is manifested as an exfoliating effect. It clears dry, dull, and uneven skin paving the way for new, bright, and even-toned skin. It can increase elastin and collagen levels making your skin smoother and stronger. Even if your skin doesn’t seem to have any problems, retinoids can give it a brighter look and feel.

4. Treating Warts

If you have warts, your doctor may prescribe retinoids. It is usually used when all other options have failed. Retinoid creams disrupt the growth of warts cells.

If you apply them for several months, the warts may disappear. The treatment is especially effective for flat warts that appear at the back of your hands. 

5. Treating Psoriasis

If you have psoriasis, retinoids can slow down the growth and development of skin cells. Normally, you’ll need to dab some retinoid oil on the sores before going to bed. Retinoid gel or cream may be used alongside steroid treatment. 

How Does Retinol Work? 

Retinol triggers the skin cells of your outer skin layer hence promoting faster turnover. It makes it possible for your skin to generate new cells. The result is skin that looks younger, smoother, and healthier. 

Retinol promotes the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. The chemicals keep your skin plump, moist and youthful. They prevent the breakdown of collagen. Retinol only becomes biologically active when transformed into retinoic acid. 

What Are the Risks of Using Retinol? 

When taken in normal doses, retinol won’t have any effects on your body. However, large doses could trigger complications or side effects. Here are a few side effects of using too much retinol. 

  • Nausea, dizziness, and a general feel of sickness
  • Vitamin A poisoning
  • skin irritation
  • headaches

Retinol is derived from vitamin A. Therefore, it won’t harm your body when taken in moderate doses. Most of its functions are related to normal development and vision. In addition to treating skin conditions, retinol also serves as a dietary supplement. 

Are you struggling with skin problems? Consider incorporating retinoids into your routine. They alleviate the signs of aging, treat acne, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, psoriasis and even skin tone.

Since they come in various names and strengths, you should consider getting your doctor’s opinion first. Even though you don’t need a prescription, your doctor could help you prepare for the side effects.


Feature Photo by Valerie Elash on Unsplash

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