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How to Prep Your Skin for Summer Vacation

How to Prep Your Skin for Summer Vacation

It seems like it has taken forever, but summer is finally on the way! That means it’s time to dig out your summer clothes and decide what you can use and what you need to replace. But when it comes to your skin, you need to think ahead a little bit more. Now is the time to prepare your skin and get it ready to make the most of that summer sun. Ideally, you want a fresh complexion, that’s not too oily, and certainly not flaky. If you want fresh-looking skin for summer, the following tips are just what you need.

Avoid your retinols for a few days before and during your vacation

While it is perfectly fine to use retinol in the summer months, it can make our skin more sensitive to the sun’s rays. By removing dead skin cells, retinol reveals the fresh new skin that we all crave. But that same skin is at its most sensitive and can easily burn. So, take extra care in the days before and after your holiday.

Mineral products

As we reduce our clothing layers from winter to summer, we should do the same with our skin. As winter comes to an end, your skin tends to be on the drier side, so it’s time to up your hydration levels. But heavy moisturizers can lead to clogged pores, so it may be time to switch to a lighter option like Blue Lagoon mineral moisturizing face cream. This will ensure that your skin remains hydrated while relieving dry skin and avoiding clogged pores.



One of the most important things you can do to get rid of your dry winter skin is to exfoliate. Removing the tired dry skin will expose the beautiful fresh skin underneath. You should slowly increase how many times you exfoliate per week, as this will help open up blocked pores and reduce the amount of oil in your skin. You should also cut down on long showers and try to use cooler water since hot water can over-dry your skin!

Use loads of SPF

And most importantly, wear plenty of sunscreen. Protecting your skin from harmful rays is the most important thing to remember in summer. And it’s not a one-time thing. Make sure to reapply SPF every few hours, especially when on the beach or in the pool. Remember to include your feet, ears, lips, and hands. Make sure you get those hard-to-reach areas too!

It’s finally time to get your skin ready for the summer months. If you follow these simple steps and ensure that you are ready to make the most of the summer sun.


Feature Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

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