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Megan Wilcox, Founder and CEO of SobahSistahs Sobriety [INTERVIEW]

Megan Wilcox, Founder and CEO of SobahSistahs Sobriety [INTERVIEW]

Alcohol is all around us. We grab a glass of Champagne to celebrate a special occasion. When dining out, the server asks if you would like to start the evening with a cocktail. The biggest sporting event of the year, always has a beer sponsorship. It wouldn’t be football with Buffalo wings and a cold beer.

Everywhere we turn, we are at an arms length away from an alcoholic drink. When one enjoys a drink in moderation, what’s the problem? For some, just one drink… is not enough. For some, alcohol is an addiction that can drive compulsive behavior, cause one to lose control, and lead to negative consequences. 

If you are dealing with alcohol dependency or know someone who is struggling, please read on. I had the pleasure of interviewing a woman who has overcome her own addiction and is helping others, do the same. Megan Wilcox is Founder and CEO of SobahSistahs Sobriety. She is an Alcohol Free Life Coach And Certified Professional Recovery Coach. She has helped guide hundreds of women to find their power within and live a life free from the chains of alcohol. 

Megan opened up about her personal journey and how her transformation, has blossomed into a career of helping others transform their lives

What was the turning point in your life, where you realized alcohol was an issue for you?

I like to say “rock bottom” isn’t so much an event but more of a feeling. Christmas of 2020 was a turning point for me. I had drunk my last bottle of wine. My mental health was suffering. I knew I couldn’t continue living the way I had been living. Something had to change. That night I reached out to the universe begging for help. The following day I started to attend Zoom support groups for women and that’s what changed it all. 

What motivated you to help others with their alcohol addiction?

I’ve always had a passion to help people, which is why I pursued a career in healthcare.

But after becoming sober I knew this was my true calling. For so many years I thought I was the only woman struggling to stop drinking. I had felt so hopeless and unworthy when I was drinking. I didn’t want anyone else to feel alone like I did. I knew I had to help as many women as I could. 

Is it possible to live an alcohol-free lifestyle in the cocktail-driven society we live in?

Absolutely. Thankfully these days we have so many alcohol- free alternatives. In fact, the alcohol-free beverage industry is booming! We are lucky to have so many options. There are even alcohol-free wine options, NA beer and even non-alcoholic spirits to make nifty mocktails with. 

Can alcohol be enjoyed on occasion?

For some, maybe. For me, no. I tried to do the moderation thing for years. It just wasn’t possible for me. It honestly took up more brain space to try and control my drinking than it does to simply choose to not drink at all. I do believe some people can enjoy alcohol on occasion. But in the end alcohol takes away from special occasions more than it adds. 

What is your view on using alcohol as a means to celebrate?

I don’t believe we need to consume alcohol to celebrate. It has been so ingrained in our culture though. We actually believe we can’t celebrate or have fun without it. 

Again, everyone is different. For those that can stop at just a few can I say go for it. Whatever works for the individual. For me personally, what would start as a drink to celebrate would end up with me having way too many and then ruining the end of the evening. 

Megan Wilcox

Megan Wilcox

How do you work with clients?

I  work with clients a few different ways. I occasionally do 1:1 coaching but I have found that small group coaching is much more effective. It helps the clients realize they are not alone and that so many other amazing women struggle with alcohol as well. Every month I run a small group of women. Usually between 10-20 women. We meet twice a week on zoom for an hour long  group coaching session. In between sessions we stay connected through our private community. In the community we support each other, share resources and so much more. I provide the ladies with weekly journal prompts to break down their relationship with alcohol. 

Most women find the group coaching so helpful that they sign up for several months at a time. 

Tell us about your Dream and Discover the Dry Life Retreat at Melia Punta Cana.

I am so psyched for my retreat in Melia Punta Cana is a wellness inclusive, adults only sanctuary in Punta Cana. We will enjoy some of the most beautiful beaches Punta Cana has to offer while discovering our journey to our best self. The resort has five unique spaces that will stimulate all of your senses. Tropical nature integrates perfectly with their exceptional dining options, I am a huge foodie so I can’t wait to dive into all of the delicious meal options. 

We can experience a fabulous Yhi Spa, fantastic swimming pools and wellness-inclusive rooms.

The resort is meticulously designed to improve your rest and relaxation. During the retreat you can expect to discover like-minded connections with other motivated alcohol-free women,

build new friendships with others who can relate to you and will cheer you on,

meet women who are done with alcohol and are ready to step into their purpose and power and 

Bond and make friendships that will last a lifetime.

I plan to incorporate the skills I teach in my virtual group coaching sessions, during our time together including sessions to help you build a life you no longer want to escape from,  learn to  break through those self limiting beliefs and build a more confident stronger you and so much more! 

How do you motivate your clients?

I like to consider my method future focused. I help keep clients motivated by helping them dream big. I am everyone’s biggest cheerleader. I love to  use compassion and empathy to help nurture clients to believe in themselves. We do a lot of visualization exercises to try and visualize themselves in a better place. I take a holistic approach. I believe health isn’t just what we put into our body but the people around us,  other factors such as our career and finances. 

What do you do to stay relevant in your field of focus?

I am constantly learning and growing. Since getting sober I have received several certifications. I am a Certified Holistic Health Coach, a She Recover Coach and a Certified Professional Recovery Coach. I know my coaching skills are never complete. I will always work to build these skills in order to provide the most effective coaching to clients. 

How do you integrate technology in your coaching?

Technology is a huge part of my coaching. Currently all coaching is done through zoom calls. We also communicate through a platform to keep us all connected in between support meetings. I provide weekly digital journal prompts to my clients. My dream is to one day have a SobahSistahs app!

What are the benefits of attending one of your retreats?

The benefits of attending an in person retreat are endless. As a small intimate group we will all be able to build real connections with other sober like minded women. During these 4 nights together we will be able to truly connect with one another. Each of us will take away a lifetime of memories and a wealth of knowledge and confidence to carry with us on our sober self discovery journey. My hope is that each woman will walk away with a newfound outlook on their sober life. I want you all to feel sobriety is your superpower! 

What type of support system do you use to keep yourself on track? 

I currently have 2 coaches for myself. I am always working on building my skills as a business woman.  I have endless ideas and dreams for SobahSistahs Sobriety. This is just the beginning. My sober business coach helps me grow my business and bring the latest and greatest sober teachings. She pushes me and builds me up. 

What advice do you have for someone interested in becoming a coach?

Do it! Being a coach is the most rewarding job. Anyone can be a coach. Find something that you struggled and overcame and then use your life lessons from this experience to help others. 

What surprises you about your work?

It surprises me how much I continue to grow as a coach. Every time I get off a group call I feel I learn something new. No meeting is ever the same. 

Do you collaborate with other wellness coaches?

I am all about collaborating and supporting each other. I don’t feel like other coaches are my competition. I feel we can all help each other. We all are unique and bring different skills to the table. 

What are you reading?

I am currently reading a book about money. Get Rich Lucky Bitch. My business coach gave it to me. I am also reading In the realm of hungry ghosts by Gabor Mate.

How do you define luxury?

To me luxury means clean and unique. Luxury is feeling special and taken care of. Luxury is usually something you splurge on to treat yourself. I definitely love the finer things in life especially when it comes to traveling and treating myself. I don’t do it often but when I do I don’t like to hold back. From food to hotels I always go for the best. Go big or go home. 

Thank you Megan for making the time to share your story! To learn more about Megan please read on here or visit her at

To register for Megan’s Dream and Discover the Dry Life Retreat in Punta Cana, click here.

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About The Author

Sherrie Wilkolaski

Sherrie Wilkolaski is the Editor-in-Chief of Luxe Beat Magazine and CEO of Luxe Beat Media. She's a luxury lifestyle journalist, bestselling author, speaker, radio talk show host, content strategist and Publishing Architect™. France is her favorite country to visit, her most memorable travel experience was walking the Great Wall of China and she is looking forward to making her inaugural visit to Ireland soon! Her column Cookies & Cocktails is Luxe Beat's most popular. She’s a former International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association board member and treasurer. Her most recent book, Publishing Architect’s Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals is a 2017 Indie Book Awards Finalist. She's currently studying for her first Sommelier exam. She is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

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