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Nostalgic Luxury at the Historic Saratoga Race Track

Nostalgic Luxury at the Historic Saratoga Race Track

Harkening back to the 1900’s when Carnegie Deli was a New York City hang out for celebrities, the Saratoga Carnegie Deli Pop Up, in collaboration with the Adelphi Hotel, is a masterclass in creating an experience with a comforting pull of nostalgia coupled with fresh perspective.  

“We’ve seen such a positive response from customers in Saratoga Springs, so we jumped at the opportunity to open a new pop-up location at Saratoga Race Course, a place where the past comes alive every summer, and where sports and hospitality can come together,” says Sarri Harper, Chief Executive Officer of Carnegie Deli.

Carnegie Deli VIP Picnic Basket

Carnegie Deli’s lofted and open-air pop-up experience is a perfect backdrop for Saratoga’s fashion show of big hats, and hands clasping glasses of Moët & Chandon. You can find Carnegie Deli in the open-air Grandstand, the perfect place to indulge in their famous New York Hot Pastrami and Corned Beef Sandwiches, Hot Dogs, Black & White Cookies, and Cheesecake Bites along with collaborative items created just for Saratoga including…

Carnegie Deli VIP Picnic Basket

Hand delivered in a beautiful wicker suitcase, the picnic is abundantly filled with gourmet sandwiches, decadent cheesecake bites, and vintage Coca-Cola bottles. This is an Instagram dream to unpack in the VIP Clubhouse or a Grandstand seat. $250 (feeds 8 people)…

      • 2 Pastrami Sandwiches
      • 2 Corned Beef Sandwiches
      • 2 Turkey Sandwiches with Russian Dressing
      • 2 New York Hot Dogs
      • Cheesecake Bites
      • Black & White Cookies
      • Retro Candy 


    Carnegie Deli VIP Picnic Basket

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