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Professional Job Application Writers: How They Can Help You Land Your Dream Job

Professional Job Application Writers: How They Can Help You Land Your Dream Job

Job searching is often a challenging task. It can become problematic, stressful, and even overwhelming at times. You must approach each step of your job-seeking journey with the three P’s: patience, positivity, and professionalism.

Luckily, some professionals can help you make the most out of your job search and application to achieve and obtain your professional goals and land that dream position!

And don’t worry about finding “resume writers Seattle” because many websites offer online 24 hour resume service – meaning you won’t be in the hassle of searching for one.

There are quite a few excellent services, like SkillHub or Monster. If you need more information about said resources, you can always look at the Skillhub and monster resume reviews to ensure you get the best approach to your resume needs.

Let’s dive into the topics this article will cover: resume writing 101, who professional resume writers are, all the ways they can help, and some additional resume writing tips. 

How to Create a Winning Resume

Here are some helpful tips to help you on your job search journey that you can use for writing your following overview.

office interview

State a Strong Summary 

An excellent summary statement in an overview should be concise and highlight your relevant skills and experience.

Start by identifying your top strengths and accomplishments, then tailor your statement to the job you’re applying for. Use strong keywords and avoid generic language. 

To emphasize, here’s some advice from an experienced user on Reddit:

“The recruiters will see 857 resumes. If your resume doesn’t have keywords from the job description, a computer will drop it instantly. The,n if it gets to a real human, they need to understand your past, future, story, and goals within 3 seconds of looking at it. This is not an exaggeration.”

Use Bullet Points

  1. Identify the essential responsibilities and qualifications for the job.
  2. Write each point as a concise sentence or phrase.
  3. Use bullet points to separate and make them stand out.
  4. Use a consistent format for the bullet points, such as starting each end with a verb or using a specific symbol.
  5. Keep them brief and easy to read, avoiding lengthy sentences or unnecessary details.

Tailor It to the Job

To tailor your resume to a specific job, carefully review the job description and highlight the essential skills and experiences that match your own.

Then, customize your outline by incorporating those keywords and experiences into your resume, particularly in the summary statement, job descriptions, and skills sections. 

Adjust your outline for each job you apply to, as each position may require different qualifications.

online interview

Quantify Your Achievements

When quantifying your achievements in an overview, use numbers and statistics to demonstrate your impact in previous roles. 

For example, include the percentage increase in sales you achieved, the number of clients you managed, or the amount of money you saved the company through cost-cutting measures.

This helps to provide concrete evidence of your capabilities and sets you apart from other candidates who only provide vague descriptions of their responsibilities.

Use an Adequate Format

When formatting your overview, keep it simple and easy to read. Use a clear font and consistent formatting, and include relevant information such as your education, work experience, and skills. Also, proofread your resume carefully to ensure everything is correct.

How Professional Writers Can Help 

Professional job application writers are individuals or companies that specialize in helping job seekers create high-quality resumes, cover letters, and other application materials to increase their chances of getting hired. 

They may have expertise in various industries and job roles and can tailor the application to the job’s specific requirements. Some examples of professional job application writers include overview writers, career coaches, and HR consultants.

The job market can be highly competitive, and standing out among a sea of applicants can be challenging. Crafting a well-written and compelling job application is crucial to getting noticed by potential employers. This is where professional job application writers can play a significant role in helping you land your dream job. Let’s see how they can help:

Tailored and Customized Documents

One of the critical services professional job application writers offer is the creation of tailored and customized CVs and cover letters. They work closely with you to understand your skills, qualifications, and career goals.

Based on this information, they create a resume and cover letter highlighting your strengths and aligning with the job requirements you are applying for. This personalized approach ensures that your application stands out from the rest and captures the attention of hiring managers.

Pro Writing and Editing

These individuals are experts in crafting well-written, error-free, and professional documents. They know how to use the correct language, tone, and formatting to make your resume and cover letter compelling and engaging.

They can highlight your achievements and experiences to demonstrate your value to potential employers. Their grammar, punctuation, and style ensure your application is polished and presents you in the best possible light.

Keyword Optimization

Many employers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen job applications. These systems scan resumes and cover letters for specific keywords related to the job requirements.

Professional job application writers are well-versed in optimizing your documents with the right keywords, ensuring your application gets through the ATS screening process. 

Incorporating industry-specific keywords increases the chances of your resume and cover letter reaching the hands of hiring managers, giving you a better chance of landing an interview.

Did You Know?

Here are a few exciting statistic facts about job applications in 2023 found online:

  • 76% of job seekers want to know how long it will take to fill out an application before they apply. 
  • 35% of job seekers told CareerBuilder they’d reject an offer if the employer does not offer a remote work option.
  • 94% of hiring professionals say using recruitment software has positively impacted their hiring process.

An Afterword

These writers can be valuable in helping you land your dream job. They offer tailored and customized resumes and cover letters, professional writing and formatting, keyword optimization, time-saving and efficiency, industry insights and expertise, and a confidence boost.

With their assistance, you can stand out among the competition and increase your chances of success in the job market. So, if you want to make a strong impression with your job application, consider hiring a professional job application writer, who you can find on SkillHub today!


How to follow up on an application?

You should follow up at least one week after applying. Create a personalized and professional email to your potential employer, where you can reiterate your interest in the position and why you’d be a good fit.

What do I talk about while applying?

Necessarily, a job application is a process where you’re asked to showcase your skills, abilities, and achievements – why you’re a good fit for the position. 

What to do before applying?

The first thing you must do is do your research on the position and the employer. 


  1. HiringThing, 2023 Job Application Statistics
  2. Morrisby, How to Make a Job Application in 8 Simple Steps
  3. University College London, Applying for a Job – FAQs
  4. Prospects, Write a Successful Job Application
  5. Coursera, How to Write an Eye-Catching Job Application Email


Feature Photo by LYCS Architecture on Unsplash


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