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Start Your Holiday Travels With These 5 Tips

Start Your Holiday Travels With These 5 Tips

It looks like the holiday travel season for 2021-2022 is gearing up to be a busy one. Americans are expected to travel and gather for the holidays this year with family and friends after being apart in 2020. Planning a trip can present a set of challenges, and mixing in a COVID pandemic heightens those challenges.

As I prepare to plan my travel itinerary (and wedding) for the 2022 year, I spoke with TripShock!, one of the United States’ largest booking services located in Destin, Florida, who suggested I consider these tips while I start traveling ahead of the holidays.

#1 – Forget Flying and Plan a Road Trip Instead

With the recent surge in the delta variant and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic spikes, traveling has been anything but “normal,” with added restrictions continuing to add uncertainty and fear about travel.

While the decision of whether or not to travel right now is a personal choice, you also need to account for your own health risk profile and willingness to deal with potential logistical challenges that make flying a bit more risky and road tripping all the more attractive.

Due to the lack of state border restrictions and confidence in local healthcare, roundtripping has become the more popular choice for travel.

According to travel experts at TripShock!, if you can drive instead of flying to your travel destination, that is typically the safest method. Road trips give you more freedom and comfort, especially since you’re in your own vehicle around your friends and family. When flying, you’re in close proximity to strangers for long periods of time.

#2 – The Pandemic is Still Here, So Avoid Crowded Places

Earlier this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new guidance for how people can safely travel, despite social distancing requirements. The major difference between the newly-issued guidance and last year’s recommendations have not yet been established, given the many unknowns associated with the COVID-19 vaccines and of course, the winter storm that drastically impacted states like Texas.

However, Dr. Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases said in an interview with Self Magazine that he fully supports family gatherings this year, with one major caveat: vaccination.

social distancing restaurant

According to the CDC, individuals who are traveling should consider taking a COVID-19 test or avoiding crowded indoor spaces before traveling. “I believe strongly that particularly in the vaccinated people – if you’re vaccinated and your family members are vaccinated…then you can enjoy the holidays. If you and your loved ones are fully vaccinated, there’s no reason at all why you can’t enjoy the holidays in a family way, the way we’ve traditionally done it all along.”

With that said, travel experts at TripShock! still recommend avoiding crowds as much as possible with a few tips for staying safe if you do find yourself in a crowded place:

  • Wear a mask
  • Bring sanitizing wipes
  • Don’t travel while sick and don’t travel with someone who is sick

#3 – Wash Your Hands

Unfortunately, it took the pandemic to force people to address their own (disgusting) hygiene habits, particularly when it comes to washing their hands. Many infections, such as SARS-COV-2 alienated its victims by whether or not they had properly washed their hands prior to touching their face and mouth – and COVID-19 is no exception.

Washing your hands is a proven method for fighting bacteria, illness, and to many researcher’s belief – this pandemic. This is critically important since you might be around groups of people while traveling. You can make traveling safer by washing your hands as often as possible. Keep in mind to always wash your hands after the following:

  • Before and after eating
  • Blowing your nose
  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Handling money
  • Using the Bathroom
  • Touching surfaces that are not inside of your home
  • Visiting a public location

Bottom line is that you should avoid touching your face with hands that have not been washed. It’s recommended to dry your hands with clean cloths or paper towels.

#4 – Have a Plan B

Not only is it important to protect your health while traveling, but it’s also important to protect your finances. You should be flexible when booking accommodations and activities due to uncertain times.

Rescheduling and cancellations can happen and TripShock! recommends going over cancellation and company policies carefully before booking your trip.

travel plan b

Being aware of such policies could save you from frustration in the long run. If you can fit it into your budget, travel insurance is an excellent way to make sure your wallet doesn’t take a hit, now more than ever.

#5 – Prepare and Take Precautions

One of the best things to do to stay safe while traveling is to be prepared and take proper precautions. In addition to what has already been stated, it’s vital to keep yourself well-informed about current COVID information and updates from the news and other government sources, which includes the CDC’s recently issued travel guidance.

Other ways to prepare and take precautions include:

  • Leave individuals who are at an increased risk of contracting and getting very ill from COVID at home.
  • Stay up-to-date and follow recommended guidelines set by the CDC.
  • Get vaccinated against COVID prior to holiday parties and traveling.

Safe travels!

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About The Author

Andrew Rossow

Andrew Rossow is an attorney and the CEO of AR Media. While working with founders and brands whose innovations look through the lens of tomorrow, He has been quoted in Forbes, Bloomberg, CoinDesk, and Decrypt, as well as serving as an on-air legal analyst for networks like BBC, Cheddar, and local ABC/CBS/NBC affiliates.

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