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Transform Boring, Blurry Photos into Fine Art – An Easy How-To Guide

Transform Boring, Blurry Photos into Fine Art – An Easy How-To Guide

Picture this: you pick your camera and shoot images without caring much about the settings or assuming the settings are just fine. You sit at your computer and realize that quite a good number of the photos you took are blurry and seemingly good for nothing. 

While you may not get exactly what you intended by fixing the photos, technology offers solutions to tuning those images into stunning fine art that can be an excellent alternative for the sharp photos you intended to create. 

This article looks at some options you may consider to salvage your images and turn them into fine art.

First Try Fixing The Burliness

If you are dying to salvage an image, the first step you will want to take is to fix the blurriness using windows or android apps. Often, you will want to turn up the contrast and turn down the highlights and the shadows, irrespective of the photo editing tool you are using.

While this step doesn’t help fix the blurriness, it helps make the image pop slightly, giving an impression of sharpness or reduced blurriness. You may need to work with more advanced tools such as Photoshop and Movavi editor to enhance the image further. 

Working with advanced tools to fix a photo will require technical photo editing skills. But you can also go for non-technical tools, such as an app that allows for the fixing of a photo at the press of a button. If you do not achieve the desired clarity, you may want to explore other options for salvaging your image.

photo art

Add Filters And Effects

Effects and filters are powerful at transforming a blurry image into a usable and visually striking work of art. They achieve this by bringing out the details in an image and adding texture and depth to create a more dynamic composition.

For example, a vintage or sepia filter can help create a nostalgic, old-fashioned feel to an image, which can be especially useful when the original image has a lot of digital noise or blur. On the other hand, a black-and-white conversion helps eliminate distracting color tones and highlight the contrast and texture, creating a more visually appealing and refined photo.

Turn It Into An Oil Painting

You cannot turn a digital image into an oil painting in a literal sense unless you sit and make a drawing out of it. But drawing is not a form of art many photographers have. If you do, you can go ahead and paint it, but be sure you are ready to spend hours or days adding detail to your drawing to get the results you hope for. If drawing is not your thing or you do not have all that time, you could leverage AI to create realistic oil paintings from your image. 

oil painting

Don’t let the idea of AI make you think you need sophisticated tools to get the job done. Most photo editing tools have painterly effects that you could use to give your image an oil painting look that eliminates the blurriness leaving you with a beautiful work of art. Some tools may even allow you to enhance the effects by adding brush strokes if you need to add any.

Saving Your Work

It takes quite some work to turn a blurry photo into stunning work of art, and you do not want all that hard work to go to waste. 

There are many ways of saving digital works of art, including saving them on your computer’s hard drive, external hard drives, or the cloud. You can also leverage tools such as Mixbook to create digital photo books that are easy to share with friends and family. 

Not all the images you create will turn out as you wanted. But you can always try to salvage what you have by applying the tricks highlighted in this post to turn your blurred images into stunning works of art.


Feature Image by Robiul Islam Pailot from Pixabay 

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About The Author

Nadine Westwood

Nadine is a health coach and writer who helps her clients achieve phenomenal and sustainable results by combining nutrition, fitness and fun! She believes primarily in living a happy life, and that the backbone of any lifestyle is that it must be sustainable and enjoyable.

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