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Travel best suited for you in 2022 according to your Zodiac sign

Travel best suited for you in 2022 according to your Zodiac sign

2022 is a robust year, it’s a year of changes and moving from the past. It has a much more positive and hopeful vibe than the last two years, and there’s a lack of disruptive and challenging aspects (like Saturn conjunct Pluto and Saturn square Uranus). 

This year also offers more freedom on a global scale, and more opportunities for travelling, finally! One way of navigating these possibilities is to get individual guidance on a case-by-case basis with something like a yes/no tarot reading, in person or online. Another is to be guided by the principles of astrocartography to have some guidelines based on your Zodiac sign. 

Here we’ll dive in and see where all 12 Zodiac signs would ideally travel during 2022. 


Feisty Aries has its 11th and 12th houses active this year, and that means that travelling should include spiritual places and philanthropic actions. Good destinations in 2022 for Aries are India, Tibet, Kathmandu, Thailand and Swedish forests. 


Rather than opting for the luxurious and cozy route this year, Aries should open themselves up for a richness of experiences and faith. Sharing meals with the natives of the visiting land, holding hands with people they’ve just met, visiting sacred places and shrines that offer different (religious) perspectives is the way to go for Aries. 


Hedonistic Taurus will have a lot of new things on the soul menu if they opt for visiting places that offer more of a sci-fi and technological vibe rather than just good wine and dining scenery. 

Taureans need to expand their technological views and see what the future looks like during 2022. Therefore, the best places for them to visit include Japan (Tokyo), Norway (Svartisen Glacier), Astana in Kazakhstan, and Singapore. 



Rowdy Geminis have some soul-searching and shadow work in the plan this year. This means that it’s not going to be all about simple information gathering, instead, they should focus on implementing the gathered knowledge on a deeper level. 

This is why it’ll be good for them to visit places that can help them do just that. Places like the Wudang Mountains in China, Koh Pangan in Thailand, Rishikesh in India, Mt. Kurama in Japan and the Grand Canyon in the USA.

rishikesh India


Kind Cancers need to work on their trust issues and emotional openness during 2022. Their faith in love and human connection will be explored further and tested this year, this is why it’s best for them to visit places that nurture partnership vibes and offer safe haven for the heart. 

The best places for Cancers to travel to in 2022 are scenic Switzerland, romantic Italy, sunny Spain (especially the coast) and dreamy San Francisco.



Sunny Leos are being asked to put themselves in other people’s shoes this year. They will be taught the lesson of patience, listening and hearing what others have to say. 

This is why the best travelling destinations for them during 2022 are legendary Scotland, mythological Ireland, magical New Zealand and Mongolia. These destinations will broaden Leos’ minds and help them understand other people on an emotional level. This year has a lot of beautiful things in store for Leos, they just need to trust the universe and be open to new experiences, and not be in charge, at least not completely. 

New Zealand


Dedicated Virgos will find themselves focusing on their health and recuperation during 2022. They should visit places that have a lot of clear or salty waters. Slovenian lakes, Japanese hot springs, Greek islands and French retreats should be their main destinations for this year. 

Virgos need to heal and relax; 2022 is offering a perfect time for just that, and plus they have a new romance and true love in store for them, maybe even a honeymoon! 



Sweet Libra is going to have a lot of romance and adventure-filled travels this year. Libras came to rock in 2022 and this is why the best travelling plans for them include music festivals and theme parks. 

Top destinations for Libras in 2022 include Los Angeles, Puerto Rico, Nevada, Germany, Aruba, Portugal, Jamaica and Brazil. Libras are extrovert powerhouses and strong vagabonds although they seem balanced and calm most of the time. 2022 promises adventures and the time of their life. 



Sensual Scorpios will have their hands full at home and nearby travel in 2022. But, there’s a new love and a lot of romance on the horizon as well. This is why they should consider travelling to places that are a bit different from their regular travelling menu. 

Destinations that offer a lot of colors and sensual stimuli are the best for Scorpios; Bhutan, Costa Rica, Laos and Denmark are very good options for them. Their trust and emotional cooperation will be expanded this year, and these places offer perfect surroundings for just that!



Vocal Sagittarius should be ready to receive a lot of blessings, both financial and relocation-wise this year. It’s a very lucky year for them to move and expand their home, and family. Many of them will get married. 

This is why perfect destinations for them include Sri Lanka, Iceland, and Western Canada. These are the places that can offer them both new experiences and family idyll.   



Materialistic Capricorn will be financially blessed this year, and that is perfect news! It’s about time for them to see money raining on their hardworking parade again, and 2022 brings shower blessings as an answer to their prayers. 

The best travelling solution for Capricorn is to keep it local this year and visit places they’ve wanted to for a long time but within their country or neighboring countries. When that’s said, some of the destinations that come into circulation are the Baltic States, Cambodia, Vietnam and Guatemala. 



Futuristic Aquarius is going to practice patience and discipline this year. Money will be raining for them, too, but they are going to be asked to get out of their comfort (techie) zone and get into some “close and personal” travelling action in 2022. 

Good places for them to consider travelling to are the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Alaska, Scotland’s Highlands and Wales. These destinations offer enriching sights but also require more camping, hiking and overall walking on the trips and tours they offer. 



Psychic Pisces is the most blessed sign of 2022! They take the crown of good opportunities, blessings and happiness this year. Sweet Pisces should surrender, be spontaneous and create in 2022. 

The best destinations that will inspire their creativity and stimulate their Muses are Las Pozas in Mexico, the Palais Ideal in France, and Veijo Rönkkönen in Finland. These places are bound to help Pisces integrate their many gifts and blessings of 2022. 


Feature Photo by Kim Eang Eng on Unsplash, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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