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10 Most Common Reasons Why People Relocate For Good

10 Most Common Reasons Why People Relocate For Good

The process of moving and relocating your whole life for good is not an easy thing to do. The reasons are varied and always of a different nature. Whether a new career opportunity is knocking down at your door and you have to switch cities for good, or an adventure is on the horizon, or perhaps your relationship status took a twist recently – maybe it’s the right time to make your move.

The State of Moving report shows that roughly 40 million Americans, or around 14% of the entire population, move domestically every year. After all, everybody deserves a fresh start and clear thought. Imagine yourself at an entirely different place, surrounded by new people, having brand new everyday activities and just doing different stuff. Pretty cool, right?

#1 Relocation because of a new job opportunity

One of the most common reasons why people switch places is having the opportunity to start a new job or simply experience a professional upgrade. Having the chance to land the job you always dreamed of is a chance worth taking. Plus, the moving expenses may be covered by your new employer which is always nice.

#2 You want to raise your kids in a better neighborhood 

It’s not a secret that every parent wants the very best for their child. So is living in a better neighborhood, with well-mannered neighbors, an environment with better opportunities for the kids as well for the grown-ups. According to an essay by Kristin Green, the strong sense of community the children get in the urban neighborhoods is of high importance for their development of social skills and personality.

State of Moving report

#3 Relationship Status Change

Also, one of the most common reasons for relocation is relationship status change and it goes in two totally opposite situations. If you and your partner feel like the relationship goes in the right way, maybe it’s the right time to plan on you two moving in together. And it goes the other way around, too – if your relationship is getting unstable and the love is fading away, maybe it’s for the best to split and arrange a new place where you will be able to regain the inner peace you were missing in the last place.

#4 Seeking Adventure

Have you ever dreamed of living on a wild beach in a small cottage with the love of your life, while working as a surf instructor full-time and it’s actually doable? Of course, you should at least give it a shot. The key part is you can try it and see if you like it, and if not, the cozy apartment you are living in right now is going to be there for you even if you realize that you are not that adventurous after all.

State of Moving report

#5 Better Home

Many surveys suggest that people are very keen on switching their current home for a bigger and better one. Around 60% of people aged between 18 and 34 say they would prefer a home-size upgrade. Only a small portion of people of the same age are ready for a downsize.

#6 Weather Problems

Your health and well being comes second to none. Sometimes with specific health implications, the weather you are accustomed to is not good for you anymore. Some people cannot stand the cold while others cannot bear the heat. Did you know that a drop in temperature concentrates blood flow in the core and makes your body work harder to generate additional heat when it’s freezing outside? Either way, moving to a place with more suitable climate conditions is never a bad idea.

#7 Bad Memories 

Sometimes life can get hard and have us experience unpleasant situations and difficult times. Coping with bad memories is not an easy thing to do and often goes along with connecting certain events with certain places. When you cannot get over thinking about things that occurred at a specific place or environment, maybe it’s for the best to just let go and start all over again in a different place.

#8 The house seems empty

Are you a parent whose kids just started college at another location and all of a sudden your home is filled with emptiness and it seems bigger than it was? No need to panic, children, leaving the nest is such a normal thing to occur. However, you can always downsize so you will have less surface to care of and chances are, you are probably going to save some money as well.

#9 Family commitment

The dynamic lifestyle we live in is often unpredictable and life doesn’t always go as planned. It doesn’t matter if it’s an aging parent in need of your attention and love or your partner needing to transfer because of their job. Whatever the reason is, you should stay positive and try to be as helpful as you can to the people who take a huge part of your life.

#10 No significant reason to stay

There’s always that awkward feeling when you are way too long in your comfort zone without experiencing anything new. The same goes when you are part of a society where you don’t feel useful, you are not a part of a meaningful relationship and you go to work only because you have to even though you don’t feel any joy anymore. You have absolutely not a single significant reason to stay and maybe a new scenery is just what you need. Whatever the case may be – stay positive and act accordingly.


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