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7 Luxury Home Upgrades to Consider Making

7 Luxury Home Upgrades to Consider Making

Home upgrades are some of the best ways to enjoy your living space to the fullest and guarantee a return on interest when selling your property sometime down the line. Your home is your long-term investment, pride, and joy, so why not add your custom signature with a few new changes? Consider making the upgrades below.

1. Choose a Shower With Zero Thresholds

A frameless or zero-threshold shower provides a beautiful, contemporary look. This is your best bet if you want to give your home a chic style and add some modernism. You can incorporate these types of showers throughout your house for a timeless investment.

2. Add Energy-Efficient Roofing

Installing an energy-efficient or cool roof is a great long-term investment. These roofs can regulate their temperature and reflect the sun’s heat. This technologically advanced process also helps reduce the heat on the inside of the home. As an added benefit, it can also seal in heat when the season changes to colder weather. Hiring a trusted roofing company is your best option to get a new roof with no issues. Unreliable contractors may make dangerous mistakes, such as a forklift overturning, which is one of the most common incidents on construction sites, accounting for 24% of all forklift accidents. A trustworthy roofer will be able to avoid problems like this and get the job done safely and efficiently.

luxury property

3. Kitchen Upgrades Will Make Your House a Home

Many people consider the kitchen to be the heart of the home since it is a warm place where food, love, and conversation take place. However, some homes are not as warm and loving as they should be, and children tend to suffer in the process. Neglect was the top reason Kentucky children were removed from their homes between 2010 and 2015, making up 68.6% of removals. While home improvements can’t solve serious family problems, an updated kitchen might help create a more pleasant atmosphere and facilitate better family bonding.

4. Upgrade the Garage Doors

Over time, garage doors can sustain a lot of wear and tear, and this can affect your home’s overall appearance. Replacing your garage door will make a huge difference to the look of your home. Garage doors are one of the first things people see when they walk past a property; thus, an attractive garage door makes an attractive façade. A reliable garage door contractor can help you choose the perfect features for a new door that will make your home look fantastic.

5. Add a Patio or Deck

Patios and decks are wonderful features; every home should have one or both if space allows. Adding these features will not only improve the look of your exterior property but also serve a practical purpose. With a patio or deck, you’ll have the perfect space to host guests for fun outdoor gatherings.

luxury patio

6. Invest in New Bathroom Fixtures

Sometimes, changing the bathroom just a little bit will make a big difference. For example, you can insert new tiles or thoroughly clean your current ones to help them look great again. Adding new fixtures is a surefire way to spruce up your bathroom for elegance and modernity or simply add some artistic touches. It’s also important not to neglect your plumbing. The market size, measured by revenue, of the septic, drain, and sewer cleaning services industry was $4.8 billion in 2021, proving just how much homeowners value a clean and functional bathroom.

luxury bathroom fixtures

7. Add a Space for Sports

These days, we’re all looking to keep fit and healthy, and what better way to do this than by incorporating an indoor or outdoor sports space into your property? Think about an indoor pool, a tennis or squash court, or a home gym. All of these features will improve your property and make it easier for you to stay active.

Have you found these upgrades inspiring? Talk to contractors you can trust today to get started on one or more of them. We wish you the best of luck in improving your living space!

tennis court


Feature Photo by Alberto Castillo Q. on Unsplash

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About The Author

Jackie Hendricks

Jackie is a blogger and lifetsyle writer based in upstate New York. The only thing she loves as much as writing is traveling.

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