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Hollywood Dreams Come True in Morocco

Hollywood Dreams Come True in Morocco

Hollywood is what dreams are made of, or so the story goes. Actress turned travel adventurer, Linda Kozlowski left the glamour of life on the silver screen to start living her own dream life in Morocco.  “Reality is better than make believe.” she told me, in a recent interview.  Best known for her work in the “Crocodile Dundee” films, the acclaimed actress has co-founded a bespoke Moroccan tour company with longtime tour specialist Moulay Hafid Baba. They call their luxe getaway enterprise, Dream My Destiny (DMD). The title is fitting and together, they curate customized journeys to fulfill their guest’s exotic travel desires. For travelers searching for a unique and tailored experience, DMD is sure to please.

As the story unfolds, it is clear that Dream My Destiny is more than just another tour company. Linda and Baba have created a real-life movie experience for their guests. They founded the Marrakesh-based business out of their love of travel. Linda says, “Baba and I love to travel, he has more than 25 years experience, conducting private tours around Morocco, and my years of high-end travel in the film business have left me with a very discerning eye. So more and more people wanted to travel with us, Dream My Destiny was, consequently, born organically.”

It is clear that Morocco has a magnetism that has drawn her in. She moved halfway around the world and tells me, “Morocco is truly unique in this world. It is ancient and modern, sexy and staid, exotic and traditional, bustling and peaceful. It has amazing cities, the Sahara Desert, great beaches, delicious food, fantastic music, the people are friendly, the architecture and sense of color are stunning, and they know how to treat a guest!” She met Baba on her first visit to Morocco, he was her tour guide, and that is when the fairy-tale began. “We knew in a flash that we had known each other for a thousand years, which was a magic moment in both our lives. As business partners, we plan all our guests’ trips together …he’ll look after the men when the ladies need to shop for shoes! He knows the country inside out, including the Sahara Desert. You feel safe with him wherever you are.”

Linda Kozlowski and Baba

Linda Kozlowski and Baba

When it comes to their high-end tour company, they want their guests to have a unique and memorable experience. “We want our guests…to feel they are with friends. Most of our guests come back and/or send friends, so it becomes like a big family.” When I ask what makes a Dream My Destiny vacation so special, she says, “We see a lot of high-end tour companies with set itineraries, and it’s a very impersonal experience. We tailor each tour for each guest’s interests and can cater to any needs, be it…a foodie trip, relaxing, adventure, romance, etc. And, we can change at the drop of a hat … for example … kids getting antsy in the back seat? Baba will turn the car around and make a quick detour to a donkey sanctuary.”

When you visit their website, you’ll find that they offer a handful of vacation packages with names like “Sultan’s Desire” and “Zahra’s Dream,” and you can’t help but start to let your mind wander, anticipating the exotic getaway. These are only sample tours, “…depending on how much time you have. There are infinite options, depending on your interests. We also organize “weddingmoons,” where we can organize and plan your wedding and honeymoon in Morocco, and accommodations, travel, touring for your guests, etc. We can also organize film and fashion shoots. Baba has extensive experience in that field, having worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood and the fashion industry.”

Dream My Destiny Linda Kozlowski

As I learn more about the mysterious land, I find myself wanting to get away from it all and find myself in Marrakesh. Linda continues to educate me on all that they have to offer, and I learn that this actress really does have it all.

What is your involvement with guests throughout their stay?

We pick up our guests at the airport and escort them throughout their journey. We leave them for some meals unless they ask us to join them. We are there every step of the way and leave them to venture out as long as desired. While we do personally produce and lead most the tours, if we are double booked, we’ll put the guests with one of our guides, depending on personality. We are great at matching guides to clients.

Dream My Destiny Linda Kozlowski

What are guests most intrigued with when they visit Morocco?

It’s such a sensory place; people are really just bowled over by everything from the vivid colors and architecture to the distinctive sounds and the music.

What is the biggest misconception about visiting Morocco?

Some people think it is going to be a closed /repressed environment, which is just not the case at all.

What are your personal three favorite activities that you offer on your dream vacations?

Bringing the guests to their first Hammam, taking them to the desert and interacting with the awesome Moroccan local people; especially the Berber people who are so sweet and kind.

Where will your guests be dining and what can their palates anticipate?

Moroccan food is really so incredibly delicious. Depending on the guests’ desires, we can bring them to the most unique Moroccan restaurants in each city. The mixture of herbs and spices will have them making a beeline the next day to the open-air spice market to bring that flavor home! Some guests are more adventurous than others and are willing to try the mom and pop places where the locals go, and /or some exotic street food …but no matter which way you lean, the food is memorable, exotic and delicious.

Dream My Destiny Linda Kozlowski

How has your career as a former actress influenced where you are today?

One thing I always hated about acting was that it got in the way of having an adventurous life. You had to stick around LA and wait for work. Now I’m rejoicing in my freedom. I definitely think acting helped develop my intuition, which is essential to my new endeavor, as so much of what I do is based on reading people and instinctively catering to their needs.

Dream My Destiny offers film assistance; please tell us more about how you work with film scouts and on location filming.

Baba has worked on film shoots for 25 years on films, ranging from the recent Bond movie to Sex & The City 2.  We can coordinate the details of shoots alongside the best and most trustworthy producers, ensuring permits are organized and scouting needs are met. We also organize housing and transportation for cast and crew, amongst other things.

Do you have a desire to go back into acting?

I don’t miss acting because my life is so full now. Reality is better than make believe.

What is your ideal vacation getaway?

The beach or the desert, because you are forced to STOP and relax in those environments. Morocco is great because everything moves slowly and lots of mint tea breaks are built into the culture!

What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you?

I love luxury, but I love to rough it too. Baba and I once stayed three nights in the Sahara completely alone …during the afternoon, we had just a tiny strip of shade from our tent.  Time stood still and all we could do was lie in that strip of shade and talk and laugh.

What is your definition of luxury?

When all my senses are happy…beautiful surroundings for the eyes, enchanting sounds and delicious aromas.

What won’t you travel without?

My sense of humor and my sense of adventure.

To learn more about all that Dream My Destiny has to offer. Go to


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About The Author

Sherrie Wilkolaski

Sherrie Wilkolaski is the Editor-in-Chief of Luxe Beat Magazine and CEO of Luxe Beat Media. She's a luxury lifestyle journalist, bestselling author, speaker, radio talk show host, content strategist and Publishing Architect™. France is her favorite country to visit, her most memorable travel experience was walking the Great Wall of China and she is looking forward to making her inaugural visit to Ireland soon! Her column Cookies & Cocktails is Luxe Beat's most popular. She’s a former International Food Wine and Travel Writers Association board member and treasurer. Her most recent book, Publishing Architect’s Blueprint: Self-Publishing Fundamentals is a 2017 Indie Book Awards Finalist. She's currently studying for her first Sommelier exam. She is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists.

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