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How Can a Healthy, White Smile Boost Your Confidence?

How Can a Healthy, White Smile Boost Your Confidence?

Confidence is a key aspect of living a life of luxury. About 32% say the way their teeth look concerns them. A person’s smile contributes to their self-esteem, and most people strive for a healthy one. Poor dental health can also affect other people’s first impressions of someone, which can hurt chances at school or job interviews, thereby affecting their lifestyle. Let’s examine how better dental health and regular dental checkups can improve your smile and overall health.

Regular Dental Visits

Between 50 and 75% of the population could benefit from orthodontic treatment. Keeping a regular schedule of dental appointments – at least one each year – helps identify problems, and treat them. If it has been a while since a person’s last dental checkup, the dentist will typically take X-rays of the patient’s teeth, clean their teeth, and conduct a thorough examination of their teeth, gums, and jaw. Patients who show evidence of dental problems may need to take medication or adhere to an upgraded dental routine. During this dental exam, the individual may receive advice on ways to correct alignment issues and gum disease.

Corrective Measures

Many individuals who visit the dentist experience problems with misaligned or crooked teeth. The dentist may recommend braces or Invisalign. Although braces have been around longer, Invisalign has more than a 96% patient satisfaction rate. Patients like that they can take the alignment trays out to eat, and they don’t have to give up beloved foods while they wear them.

Gum disease treatments also rank among the common outcomes of a dental exam. A dentist may recommend that a patient brush more frequently, use an antibacterial mouthwash, and floss. They might also prescribe a medicine to help clear up a gum infection.

Dental Health Affects Overall Health

The focus on good dental health goes beyond the added self-confidence from a great smile. Problems that develop in the mouth, such as abscesses, inflamed gums, and weak bone tissue, can signal other problems developing elsewhere in the body. Poor dental health has been linked to heart conditions and other serious health issues. Adhering to a daily routine of dental health can help turn this all around.

How to Help Heal Your Mouth

Have you noticed the problems these theoretical patients have? If you notice red gum lines instead of pink ones when you brush your teeth, use an antibacterial mouthwash three times a day to help kill bacteria that can cause gum inflammation. For teeth developing cavities, get to the dentist as soon as possible, so the doctor can remove the cavity and create a filling for it. This saves your tooth and helps prevent the spread of the problem.

Use fluoride toothpaste and avoid removing fluoride added to your tap water supply. Brush your teeth three times per day. Floss after each meal and use an antibacterial mouthwash.

Dental Cleanings

If a dentist notices serious problems developing in a patient’s mouth, the doctor may prescribe more frequent dental cleanings. Typically, a patient undergoes one to two dental cleanings per year, but when problems arise, the dentist may have a patient visit for one per season, equaling four in one year. During these cleanings, a dental technician scrapes the teeth, removing tartar buildup.

Dental Health and You

Dental health and the appearance of your teeth and gums can affect your emotional and mental well-being. Take charge of your overall health by visiting the dentist for an annual checkup and supercharging your dental healthcare plan. How do you do that?

By being proactive about dental care, you can achieve the smile of your dreams. Be sure to explore the orthodontic treatment options available if you’re unable to smile with confidence.

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About The Author

Jackie Hendricks

Jackie is a blogger and lifetsyle writer based in upstate New York. The only thing she loves as much as writing is traveling.

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