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How to plan an extra special Christmas

How to plan an extra special Christmas

With Christmas 2020 being a complete write-off for some, and Christmas 2021 still being impacted by Covid, this year is the perfect opportunity to go all out. Christmas is the perfect time to spend quality time with family and friends and celebrate before reigning in the new year. Here are some of the ways you can plan for an extra special Christmas this year:

Plan in advance

As much fun as spontaneity can be, planning in advance is a good way to ensure Christmas goes without a hitch. Being forward-thinking about the day will also allow you to enjoy it much more when it comes around as you can relax knowing you have done everything that needs doing.

Take some time to write down everything you need to do to be Christmas ready and then plan when you’re going to tick different things off. Some things will of course be time-dependent, such as buying food for the Christmas dinner, however, it is still useful to plan when you are going to do so or even make note of when Christmas delivery slots open if you do an online food shop. 

Other things can be done much sooner, such as buying and wrapping gifts. Don’t let planning take the fun out the things, you are doing everything well in advance, so you have plenty of time to really enjoy the process. 

personalized Christmas card

Pay attention to the little things

As much as Christmas is about the big dinner and the exciting gifts, it is often the little details that people remember and appreciate the most.

Consider small gestures that you can make that will really elevate people’s Christmas period. This could include buying someone’s favourite bottle of wine to have with the Christmas dinner or putting on their most loved Christmas movie on Christmas morning.

These special details can also be shared with those whom you aren’t going to be seeing in person, maybe family or friends who live in different cities or countries. Why not send a personalised Christmas card or make someone a playlist of all your favourite Christmas songs to share?

Prioritise the build-up

For some of us, Christmas planning starts in July, but no matter how prepared you are, the day always tends to go by in a flash. Don’t forget this when you are planning and be sure to really prioritise the build-up as much as the day itself.

Plan in fun activities to enjoy in December, this could be anything from driving to see Christmas lights to a cozy night in baking a yule log. 

Christmas books

Feature Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

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