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Safety Tips When Going On A Spearfishing Trip

Safety Tips When Going On A Spearfishing Trip

On luxury vacations to beautiful islands and coastlines, like the exquisite Bali, the colorful Cozumel, or the bright and beautiful Kailua-Kona, one of the many ways to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of these mind-blowing locations is through sea explorations. For those who are more into free-diving and like to add a good dosage of adrenaline to it all, spearfishing is a perfect activity to add to the itinerary.  

Amongst the many sea sports, spearfishing is considered to be somewhat extreme due to the unpredictability of the underwater world. Despite the dangers, spearfishing is a wonderful way to explore the beauty of the sea around you, bask in the wonders of the marine world and ecosystem, and enjoy some adventure and adrenaline-pumping exercise.  It’s also a way to have delicious mahi, bigeye tuna, or pesky lionfish when you return to shore.  

Being an extreme sport that it is, spearfishing isn’t something for everyone. And, even for the pros, certain safety measures still need to be observed. Here are some safety tips for a fun and successful underwater experience:    

1. Take A Free Diving And Spearfishing Course  

Oftentimes, spearfishing is done while free diving and without the use of oxygen tanks. To ensure that you are positioned for safety, is to take a freediving course.  

The course will take you through all the necessary steps and equip you for anything you’ll encounter while under the sea, including survival skills when the sea becomes turbulent, how to help your spearfishing buddy in cases of blackout from lack of oxygen, as well as how to handle cases of loss of muscle control due to lack of oxygen (also called samba).  

While at it, too, taking a spearfishing course will allow you to learn how to properly handle the spear gun, the appropriate clothing to wear, how to select the more durable floatlines, the sizes of fish to shoot, proper care of your spear gun and hunting equipment, and so on.  

spearfishing in sea

2. Never Go Alone  

The sea can be unpredictable. You never know when you’ll encounter a shark or a jellyfish, or run into some dangerous situation. 

It’s best to dive in numbers of two or more, so that if you run into danger, you have support. 

3. Know Basic First Aid and CPR  

To complement the first rule of safety, taking basic first aid and CPR training is a must. Enough said.

4. Don’t Be Trigger Happy

Don’t be trigger happy. Take the time to assess your underwater surroundings. Before pulling that trigger, make sure that:  

  • Your fish is in a good range of your shot. 
  • You have at least a 98% chance of actually hitting the target and killing the fish.
  • There are no fish behind your target. If there are, you can wait until your target is alone. 

5. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings  

When you’re freediving in places like Hawaii, it’s impossible not to get distracted by the beauty and exoticness around you. Be conscious of your surroundings and never let your guard down. Since you’ll be swimming in open waters, it’s not uncommon to find the likes of sharks, sting rays, jellyfish, and others in the vicinity. Also, be conscious when moving around shipwrecks; you never know what’s living in the wreckage.

6. Never Tether Your Catch To Yourself 

This is a common catalyst for danger. Before you go spearfishing, it’s best to have a container or a means to transport your catch. Tethering your catch to yourself is dangerous as it not only slows you down, but can also cause accidents. It can attract predators and injure you in the process. 

Spearfishing is an incredible sport and a fun complement to your next island vacation. Keep safety in mind and you’ll find yourself on a memorable vacation that you’ll be talking about for years to come. 

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