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The 12 Birthstones: What Do They Mean?

The 12 Birthstones: What Do They Mean?

Each one of the 12 months has a birthstone to represent it. These birthstones are some of the most beautiful gemstones in the world. They have special meanings and unique qualities. Christian scholars discovered the 12 birthstones and their connection in the 5th century. 

They theorized the link of every gem to an astrological alignment or month. In Exodus 28, Moses instructed special garments to be made for Aaron, the Hebrews, and the High Priest. This included 12 gemstones to represent the 12 tribes of Israel and a breastplate inlaid. 

Here are the 12 birthstones and their meanings. 

1. January – Garnet

This is a gemstone group with more than 20 varieties in different colors. Garnet is believed to protect travelers. It is associated with faith, eternity, and truth. Red garnets were highly popular in the Roman Empire. 

Their refractive index gives off the impression of emitting light. 

Travelers and explorers carried garnet to light up their night and keep evil off. Many Eastern Asian and Central America tribes carried the stone into battle. 

2. February – Amethyst

This is a precious Quartz gemstone. It is associated with luck, wit, and health. The stones are loved for their twinned crystal structure and deep violet color. Ancient Egyptians engraved it into jewelry, and many still do. Amethyst is said to give you courage and alcohol tolerance.

3. March – Aquamarine

The birthstone for March is associated with happiness and understanding. The blue variety, known as Beryl, is one of the most popular. It is believed to have healing abilities. These tools always have soft blue/green hues. They don’t come in dark blues or greens. 

4. April – Diamond

Diamond is one of the most precious stones. It is one of the most popular options for elegant jewelry and engagement rings. Diamond is associated with beauty, resilience, courage, health, and eternity. It has been used to symbolize love for a long time. 

diamond engagement ring

5. May – Emerald

Emerald is the most valuable green gemstone. It is beautiful and popularly associated with love, fidelity, and goodness. Like diamonds, emeralds symbolize love. Find emerald jewelry pieces at Diamondere. 

6. June – Alexandrite/Pearl

If you were born in June, you have two birthstone options-Alexandrite and pearl. Alexandrite is rare. It is associated with love, luck, and good fortune. Pearl is associated with beauty and peace. It is a sign of purity and love. 

7. July – Ruby

This red gemstone is one of the Big Four. It is loved for its rarity and luster. Ruby is the symbol of vitality. It is also associated with love, strength, and enthusiasm. Ruby is believed to ward off negative energy. 

Ruby bracelet

8. August – Peridot

This birthstone is also associated with strength. It is one of the few stones that occur in just one color (green). Peridot is associated with luck, success, and peace. Its color often overlaps with emeralds. However, peridot comes with a yellowish or slightly brown undertone. 

9. September – Sapphire

Sapphire is the most precious blue gemstone. However, it also comes in various colors. Sapphire is also one of the Big Four stones. It is connected with truth and serenity. Sapphire is said to ward off poison and other types of evil. 

10. October – Opal

This gemstone is mostly famous for its colors. Opal diffracts light and is capable of displaying all rainbow colors. It is also associated with hope, faithfulness, wisdom, and confidence. Some opals have a play-of-color phenomenon. When you turn the stone, it could demonstrate beautiful flashes of color. 

11. November – Topaz and Citrine

November babies can choose between Citrine and Topaz gemstones. Topaz comes in different varieties. They are all associated with courage, sincerity, and wisdom. On the other hand, citrine is associated with cheerfulness and success. 

12. December – Turquoise

Many cultures have valued this blue-green gemstone for years. It is associated with friendship and is mostly mixed with aluminum and copper compounds. According to Turkish tradition, turquoise can help you make friends easily.

All birthstones are unique and have different meanings. If you are looking to gift a loved one, a piece of jewelry in their birthstone would be a fantastic idea. It is thoughtful and could help them attract good fortune.



Feature photo courtesy of Pexels

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