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Sustainable luxury living

Sustainable luxury living

Sustainable living is an increasingly desirable trait for millions of people, and it’s also being seen more and more in luxury design. Switching to green living isn’t just better for the environment; it’s more affordable too, allowing more budget for those luxury items.  

Here, we’ll be exploring a few ways you can continue to live life to the fullest while also living responsibly and sustainably.

Sustainable and locally sourced materials

While using locally sourced and sustainable materials might once have been a rather difficult thing to achieve, the internet has made it so much easier for us to gain access to such materials. If you are looking to add a little luxury to your living room, hire local trades people and use local products to decorate, checking that the glass table lamps you wish to invest in are sustainably sourced. Being more aware of the products you are buying, and their carbon footprint can lead you to purchase from companies that share the same green ethos as you. 

Green roofs and walls

Having a green roof will encourage wildlife and provide a more aesthetically pleasing alternative to dull tiles. Green roofs are an incredibly practical alternative to conventional roofing materials that can also absorb rain runoff.

sustainable roofs and walls

Smart lighting

Make sure your lights are running on low-watt bulbs rather than outdated halogen lamps. They last five times longer and use 80% less energy to produce the same amount of light. You can also add a luxury touch by investing in smart lighting, which can be controlled by your smartphone and display multiple colours. It can even be hooked up to your home entertainment system. If you want to take things a step further, consider investing in solar panels to power your lighting and heat your home sustainably and in luxury.

Grow your own food

Cut down on food waste and grow your own food – reducing the carbon footprint of your food consumption and hopefully giving you a new hobby in the process. All you need to do is set aside a small part of your garden and you could be growing everything from fruit and vegetables to more elaborate herbs and spices. If your luxury living allows, planting an orchard with heritage apple trees will not only encourage wildlife but will provide you with a bounty of apples, from which you can make apple juice and cider.

plant an orchard


Repair and reuse

For those used to living in the lap of luxury, the concept of holding onto broken things and fixing them instead of throwing them away and buying something else might seem foreign. But sometimes it can take little more than a few minutes to fix something that you could get years more use from. Also, think about looking at upcycled or reused furniture, which can be found in antique shops and auction houses across the country. Antique furniture can add elegance to any property.

Adding sustainable luxury doesn’t need to be done overnight but by taking on board the tips above you can begin the transition.

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