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Taking Care of Your Family’s Health In 2020

Taking Care of Your Family’s Health In 2020

With the surge of the COVID-19 virus, it’s been difficult for many families to live a healthy lifestyle. Currently, four out of five adults battle one or two chronic health conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disorders, and arthritis. There are several things you can do to manage your health despite these unprecedented times. Here are tips for taking care of your family this year.

Practice Proper Dental Care

According to a 2015 survey, approximately a quarter of the respondents expressed that they avoided smiling out of embarrassment because of the condition of their teeth. These dental issues also caused them to experience anxiety and reduce their social lifestyle activities. You can take good care of your teeth by brushing and flossing daily and scheduling a professional at least once a year. Make sure to also change your toothbrush once every three months.

If you should need emergency dental treatment, you may want to consider visiting an urgent care clinic. These clinics are typically open seven days a week with varying hours. Most, 99%, are open at least four hours each day. They can diagnose infections and prescribe antibiotics and pain medications. If the pain is overwhelming, you may want to schedule an emergency appointment with your dentist.

Eat Balanced Meals

Proper nutrition is crucial for living a healthy lifestyle. Load up daily with lean meats and fresh fruit and vegetables. To keep your metabolism pumping, aim to eat five small meals every day. By eating balanced meals, you may be able to increase your energy levels, boost your mood, and lose weight. You may want to consider a consultation with a licensed nutritionist who can recommend food choices and meal plans for your unique needs.

Manage Stress

Ignoring your stress levels is a luxury you can’t afford during these trying times. If you’re under quarantine or social distancing, try to keep your daily routine as normal as possible. Limit your exposure to media and social media platforms that can raise your anxiety levels. Find healthy lifestyle methods to reduce your stress levels like meditation or yoga. Going out into nature for a walk or hike can help you relax. Journaling your emotions and thoughts or chatting with a friend can also be highly beneficial for reducing stress.

Seek Professional Care For Senior Family Members

Elderly adults are vulnerable due to lack of mobility and chronic health conditions. These can make it difficult for them to live a healthy lifestyle and travel for appointments and basic necessities. Hiring home health services can help these seniors stay physically active and get the care they need. They can ensure that seniors receive healthy meals, medications, and companionship.

Monitor Your Mental Health

Financial stress and social distancing can negatively impact your mental health. If you’re struggling, you may want to consider reaching out to a professional therapist to help you cope. Many mental health professionals offer video and phone consultations for those who may be under quarantine. There are low-cost community programs and resources available if you’re on a tight budget. If you are experiencing low or depressed feelings, you may want to learn more about depression and the symptoms to watch out for. Learn more about depression here:

Maintain an Exercise Routine

Exercise offers many benefits toward a healthy lifestyle. Social isolation and stress can make you want to eat more and gain weight. Regular workouts can help you lose excess weight and reduce your risk of chronic medical conditions. It can also help you sleep, focus on tasks, and improve your sleep.

Gyms around the U.S. are currently closed because of the pandemic. However, there are a variety of ways to get your exercise at home. Your family can go for walks, bike rides, or participate in fun physical games in the backyard. You can also find many free workout videos online to help you mix up your routine.

Strenuous household chores can also count towards your weekly exercise goals for a healthier lifestyle. Gardening, mowing the lawn, and washing your car can help you burn calories and build muscle. To get the maximum benefits, aim for two to three hours of moderate physical activity on a weekly basis.

Mother holding child up in the air

Get Adequate Sleep

Getting proper rest helps you live a healthier and more productive lifestyle. Sleep helps boost your immune system and can relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. Having a regular sleep routine will help you get adequate sleep. Set specific times to wake up and go to bed each day. Find ways to help your mind and body unwind at the end of the day before attempting to sleep.

Make sure that your bedroom is dark and comfortable temperature-wise. Avoid alcohol and electronic use for at least an hour before you plan to sleep. Taking naps during the days can also prevent you from getting a good night’s rest. Consult with your doctor to rule out any medical conditions if you struggle to get adequate sleep.

Schedule a Checkup

Routine physical exams are vital for your family’s healthy lifestyle. You may want to consider scheduling a checkup with a family physician once every year. The doctor can perform tests and spot any potential medical issues early before they have a chance to fully develop. Older men should have a prostate exam and women should have regular breast exams and pap smears. An annual physical is also a good time to update vaccinations and review any medications you’re currently taking.

Drink More Water

Drinking water is one of the best lifestyle choices you can make. Water is important for hydrating your skin, reducing your caloric intake, and helping your organs function at optimal levels. You should ideally drink six to eight glasses of water on a daily basis. Prep several water bottles and keep them in the fridge for easy access.

Helping your family live a healthy lifestyle can be challenging during the pandemic. Dealing with all the stress and uncertainty may not be as fun as a destination wedding, but it’s necessary. By following these tips, you can be proactive about you and your family’s health and have peace of mind during these wild times.

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About The Author

Jackie Hendricks

Jackie is a blogger and lifetsyle writer based in upstate New York. The only thing she loves as much as writing is traveling.

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